
In the City-State of Solathi, a Captain-General is the highest military rank within the Solathine Guard. They are the chief of the city-state's military force, city guard and naval force.


"The boy owes his position to being the Dux's son. But his talent is such he probably would have claimed it later in life anyway."
-a noble on the Ducal Council commenting on Soros Avila's ascension to the rank of Captain-General
  Technically, there is no requirement for a person to be named Captain-General; theoretically the Dux could select a random civilian off the street and grant them the role. In practice, however, most Captains-General have spent considerable time as an officer in the Solathine Guard and have multiple distinctions to their name.   Usually to warrant consideration for the rank, a person should be a member of a noble family/house, or have served in the retinue of one. Prospective Captains-General will also usually need to be in good standing with either (preferably both) the Solathine Guard officer cadre and the nobles on the Ducal Council.   Historically there has been a fair amount of nepotism in the selection of a Captain-General, with many throughout history being a close relative of the reigning Dux.


When the existing Captain-General resigns, dies or is dismissed, the Dux immediately calls a council of their core advisors along with the highest officers of the Solathine Guard, who all make recommendations and debate the merits of each. The decision is ultimately left to the Dux to make.   The procedure of conferring the rank is generally quite low-key, with the new Captain-General taking an oath personally to the Dux and then simply assuming the duties of the previous Captain-General. The intention is to make the appointment very much a 'business as usual' affair, and indeed many Solathines do not even immediately notice a change in management.


"The Dux leads, the Captain-General protects."
-Solathine proverb
As the ultimate commander of the Solathine Guard, the Captain-General is responsible for the administration of law and order within the City-State of Solathi, as well as the military readiness of its forces and the personal safety of the Dux and their house and retinue.   The activities that a Captain-General undertakes in the process of this include;  
  • Sitting on the Ducal Council and providing the Dux with accurate military and law enforcement status reports, analysis and advice;
  • Planning overall strategy and logistics for the Solathine Guard, usually with the advice of senior officers;
  • Meeting with senior officers (Captains, usually) to collect information about the operations of each division, and manage activities and strategies of subordinates as required;
  • Leading troops into battle for motivational purposes, and;
  • Liaising with mercenary auxiliaries, negotiating their contracts and directing their leadership.
  Captains-General are also expected to fully immerse themselves in all aspects and divisions of the Guard, spending time surveying and understanding each branch of the Guard, from naval to guard to military to Cassowary cavalry. Particularly proactive Captains-General take this as far as entrenching with guard details, military patrols or aboard vessels.


The benefits of a Captain-General depend on the person's social rank, along with their own ambitions. For a member of one of the larger Solathine houses, the increase in prestige and wealth that goes with the position is not significant, however for nobles from smaller houses or commoners, it can be seen as a significant opportunity.   Captains-General also enjoy having the ear of the Dux themselves, effectively making them one of the most powerful individuals in Solathi. By cultivating a good relationship with the Dux, they can influence policy and the direction of the state; or even join the Ducal House itself. More than one Captain-General has wed a Dux through the process of their work together, and some have even been adopted.   A Captain-General can also make many connections with other major political figures in the city, which for a minor noble house or for one of the rare commoner Captains-General is a rare opportunity to elevate their entire family to prestige and fortune that has not been seen before.   For a military-minded individual, the rank is seen as the ultimate pinnacle of a martial career, and allows them to shape military policy and leave their own legacy; and potentially, if they play their cards right, no small share of glory.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Captain-General wears the standard khaki-coloured tunic of the Solathine Guard, supplemented with a bronze breastplate and scaled skirt. They also wear a cape in the red livery of the city-state.  

Soros Avila, the current Captain-General of the Solathine Guard

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The involuntary dismissal of a Captain-General is rare, and has only happened twice in Solathi's history. In theory a Dux can do this for any reason, however the two times this have happened have been due to gross misconduct/corruption and incompetence respectively.
Nobility, Military
Form of Address
Equates to
Sun Legate (Kalriv Legions)
Field Marshal (Helikan Army)
Imperator (Royal Army of Mayoka)
High Captain (Avadian Admiralty)
Length of Term
At Dux's pleasure
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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Aug 21, 2024 02:17 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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