City-State of Solathi

"Solathi was founded with the intention of being a projection of Arikandan power into the Calinan continent - like Maganti for the Avadians. And like Maganti, that intent backfired and gave rise to an independent city-state with its own syncretic culture."
-Halara Nassoi, Solathine natural philosopher
  The City-State of Solathi is the political entity of the city of Solathi, along with the surrounding region of the Galan Delta and outlying settlements.


Politically the city-state is an absolute monarchy led by the Dux, a title carried over from its days as a Helikan colony. In theory the dux has absolute power over the citizens and resources of the city-state and its territory and rules by decree.   The Dux usually delegates their authority to both members of their house and members of other prominent noble houses, usually taking the form of various councils. The regions outside the city are also administered by governors known as nomarchs.   Societally, Solathi is divided into three class divisions; the Dux and their house at the top, the various noble houses, and then the common populace at the bottom. Most of the houses are drawn from Helikan aristocracy during the colonial period, but wealthy landowners and merchants have been able to join the ranks over time.   The various noble houses are supported in an administrative capacity by retinues, groups of servants and bureaucrats retained by houses. There is no restriction to who may serve in a retinue, with commoners and migrants having served frequently. Serving in a retinue is considered a surefire way to engage in social mobility.


Prior to the third century TE, Solathi existed as a colony under the control of the City-State of Helik, which founded the settlement in 45 TE. During this time it was controlled by a governor who answered directly to the Archon of Helik and the Helikan Parliament. Politically it was considered an extension of that city-state, with Helikan laws and cultures enforced.   The catalyst of Solathi's independence occurred in the aftermath of the Ashstorm in 212 TE. The volcanic eruption decimated sea travel from Helik to its colony, while the ash and pumice ejected into the atmosphere caused widespread devastation among the crops of the Galan Delta.   Abandoned by its mother city, the governor of Solathi, Avilus Traia, took command of the city and reorganised its government, removing all apparatus that relied on Helik and turning Solathi into a truly self-sufficient city. In the following year, Traia declared the city independent, expelling members of the bureaucracy loyal to Helik.   The mother city threatened invasion to reclaim the colony, however with the decimation wreaked by the Ashstorm, they were in no practical position to launch invasion fleets. By the time southern Arikanda had stabilised, Solathi's government and infrastructure had cemented enough to make a reconquest too arduous a prospect for Helik, which abandoned its seaward ambitions and focused on Arikanda.   The two centuries since the foundation of the city have been relatively stable for the city-state.

Demography and Population

Solathi's population is made up primarily of the descendants of Arikandan settlers dating from the days of the Helikan colony. There is also a large percentage of native Calinani from nearby regions who have come to the city over its history, along with several migrant diasporas.   The migrant population is made up primarily of Avadians and Sapphrans, although a recent surge of Sembarine migrants from Kas and travelers from Baropa in the south have emerged recently, along with a wave of Kjor merchants and workers.


The officially recognised holdings of the Solathine government cover the city of Solathi itself and most of the northeastern Calinan coast, along with the surrounding lands of the Galan Delta. Southwards, Solathine territory extends in a narrow strip along the fertile banks of the Galan River to the mountains and cliffs that border the Marai Desert. Most of the lands beyond the floodplains are of no interest and are not claimed.


The primary military and peacekeeping force in Solathi is the Solathine Guard, a small army drawn from volunteers. It is primarily an infantry defensive force that defends the city of Solathi and keeps order, but also has a small chariot cavalry and navy, along with a ranger force dedicated to patrolling the outlying territories. It is commanded by the Captain-General, a part-general, part-police commissioner usually drawn from the ducal house.   Due to its relatively small size, the Solathine Guard has recently taken to bolstering their forces with the Kalriv ecclesiastical legion, the Sunburst Legion. As the alliance with the Kingdom of Kjoqvist has developed, Kjor warriors and sailors have also been brought into the fold, mostly drawn from the private paramilitary of the Kjor-Calinan Trade Company.

Technological Level

Most Solathine technology is built upon apphran and Helikan precursors.


There is no official religion in Solathi, although Elementalism is the most commonly held faith. Unlike their neighbours in Maganti, the Elemental faithful hold to the Templar hierarchical system originating in Arikanda.   A sizable portion of worshippers of the Avadian Gods also exists, along with followers of Calinani shamanism. A small diaspora of Eranics, mostly migrants from Kas, also exists.

Foreign Relations

Solathi has been a somewhat isolated state since its secession, and does not actively seek maintain many diplomatic relations with Arikandan nations. Diplomatic relations between Solathi and Helik have been frosty since the secession, and while not at war. Trade agreements are in place with the Avadian Sovereignty, and some of the major Tanorite city-states such as Mayoka and Mirrelum maintain diplomatic communications, but there tend to be quite passive.   In recent years Solathi has broken with its isolationist tradition by embracing an economic alliance with the Kingdom of Kjoqvist and the Kjoqvist-Calinan Trade Company. This has been cemented with the betrothal of Prince Eliksen to Kara Avila.


Solathine law is theoretically made by decree from the Dux. In practice most laws are written by the Ducal Council, who propose laws and provide advice on laws to the Dux, who then signs the laws.   Laws are interpreted by the nomarchs of their respective regions. Legal cases are taken before the nomarch, who makes a judgment. In certain situations, cases can be appealed to the Captain-General of the Solathine Guard, and then theoretically to the dux themselves; although the Captain-General and the dux must agree to take these cases on.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture is the primary industry of Solathi, with the lush floodplains of the Galan River providing fertile soil for a variety of crops. Wheat and barley are farmed in abundance and are traded both down the Galan and through the Avadian and Kjor trade networks to various city-states on both sides of the Calinan. The linen industry is also lucrative, as are precious and semi-precious gemstones mined near the Marai Desert. Animal husbandry is also a major industry, with camels, oxen and donkeys being prominent.


Solathi has a reputation as being a bastion of knowledge and education, most likely due to the presence of the Palace of Wisdom, a repository of knowledge and house of learning in the city. Most Solathines undergo some form of basic education, the quality of which usually depending on social class. Noble houses are usually able to recruit natural philosophers both locally and from Arikanda, while commoners generally have access to lessons carried out at the local Elementalist temples as outreach.
Founding Date
213 TE
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Avadian hex
Legislative Body
Ducal Council (by delegation)
Judicial Body
Nomarchs (by delegation)
Executive Body
Solathine Guard
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Articles under City-State of Solathi

Cover image: by Vertixico


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