
Elementalism is one of the major faiths found in Arikanda and Calina. It holds that the universe is governed by five natural elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Thunder, and that these elements stem from five divine beings - the Elemental Gods - who embody the aspects of these elements.   Elementalism is the most widely-practiced faith in Arikanda, with believers found in the city-states of Tanoron, the Sapphire Coast and the Heartlands, and even as far afield as the former colonies of Maganti and Solathi on the northern shores of Calina.


In Arikanda and Solathi, Elementalism as a religion is made up of five individual organisations, or Templar, dedicated to each specific element. Officially there is no one leader of the united faith, however each Templar is led by its own Exarch, who work in consensus with the other Exarchs of the faith.   In Calina, Elementalism remains as a faith but has broken away from the authority of the Templars, instead forming orders of Elemental monks who have fused Elemental beliefs with the traditional shamanism of the Calinani.

Public Agenda

Elementalism is dedicated towards venerating the Elemental Gods and guiding humanity according to their will.

Mythology & Lore

Elementalists believe that all matter and energy in the universe is an expression of the one or any combination of the elements of fire, lightning, water, wind and earth. It holds that these forces are divine beings in and of themselves, with distinct personalities and sentience.

Divine Origins

Like most of the present day religions, it appears that Elementalism may have evolved out of the shamanist tradition that pre-dated settled civilisation. The Elemental gods share many qualities with the spirits of that set of beliefs, albeit in a more condensed form. It appears to have originated in the southern Sapphire Coast, and from there it seems to have spread through contact with the other peoples of southern and central Arikanda.

Cosmological Views

Elementalism holds that Annyrion was created as a result of an event known as the Concert of Energies, where each of the Elemental Gods worked in unison to combine their energies into a single project - the world.   Elementalism is somewhat vague on what caused the creation of the universe beyond Arikanda, but holds that it came into being at the same time as the elemental forces of the world.
Religious, Organised Religion
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