Ki Manipulation

UNDER DEVELOPMENT: Subject to change and expansion, and may be inconsistent with other laws!
  The most common form of magic on Annyrion, ki manipulation involves the use of a person's spiritual energy, or ki, to manipulate the world around them and enhance their abilities in ways that would not be available to them naturally.   Each individual has a well of spiritual energy, or ki, coursing through them. This well can, through study and practice, be manipulated and used in a variety of applications, such as enhancing one’s physical abilities or altering the laws of physics. What a person can do is limited by three major factors; how much ki is available to them, the dominant Affinity of their ki and their understanding/talent/training in using ki.   Common uses of this spiritual energy include;
  • Enhancing one’s strength or speed
  • Lifting and manipulating objects at a distance (using their spiritual energy as a kinetic force)
  • Controlling and projecting elemental power (flames, water, wind), either by manipulating existing sources or converting their spiritual energy.


In most of the world, ki manipulation is considered the province of religious orders, who consider it an expression of their faith. The Druids of the Vessa, the Elementalist clergy and some of the most talented Kalriv Solars all have practitioners within their ranks. Other independent organisations have dabbled in the study of ki manipulation, the most prominent being the Faculty at the Academy. Ki manipulation is also prevalent among shamen in the Arikandan Unknown, the Ranata Isles and Calina.


Ki manipulation can be expressed in a variety of ways, however most can be grouped under categories;
  • Healing
  • Kinesis/Ki blasts
  • Curses
  • Farsensing
  • Telekinesis
  • Nature manipulation
  'Spells' are usually cast by a person reaching into and harnessing their personal pool of ki, and then shaping it to a desired effect, usually in tune with the dominant Affinity of their spirit.
Metaphysical, Supernatural

Cover image: by Vertixico


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