
"The genius decided to try to hunt a Splinterback. Thought he'd get a fine trophy for the lodge. He got them, I suppose."
-A Kjor hunter, explaining the scarred face, missing eye and shredded arm of his companion.
  Splinterbacks are rare, lizard-like creatures native to the Arzai Jungle in northern Calina.

Basic Information


Splinterbacks share the same attributes as many larger lizards; an elongated neck, four short, clawed legs, a stub-like tail and reptilian eyes. They appear somewhat similar to the common monitor lizard, but with one major difference. Splinterbacks' upper backs are covered with a coat of small hexagon-shaped armoured scales.   The scales have twin defensive purposes; firstly these scales can resist damage from piercing, slashing and crushing damage to a certain extent. The second purpose, and the one for which the Splinterback is known, is that through a series of complicated processes, an agitated or threatened splinterback can cause a series of concussive blasts along its entire scale line, bursting the scales and launching a cloud of jagged, razor-sharp fragments into an attacker, wounding, incapacitating or possibly even killing a predator, usually buying time for the Splinterback to escape. This process is painful for the Splinterback, but does no permanent harm.   Should these two defenses fail, the Splinterback also has razor-sharp claws and a powerful bite.

Genetics and Reproduction

Splinterbacks reproduce sexually, and give birth to eggs usually laid in clutches of three or four. Gestation is usually quite short, with hatching taking place within a month.

Growth Rate & Stages

Splinterbacks grow quite rapidly, going from hatchling to juvenile within six months, and full adulthood in a year. They reach what may be considered an elderly stage within ten years, and usually pass away within fifteen.

Ecology and Habitats

Splinterbacks are exclusively found in northern Calina, particularly in and around the Arzai Jungle. They prefer warm, humid environments, making the jungle a logical habitat for them. With that said they are also fond of sunny environs, often moving to clearings and even to the grasslands to the west and thinner woodland to the east of the Arzai.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Splinterbacks are omnivorous, primarily subsisting on leaves, fallen fruits, insects and small mammals. They are not averse to scavenging and may attempt to prey on larger mammals if desperate, although there are no records of them hunting humans.

Biological Cycle

The most significant change besides ageing for Splinterbacks are the growing and hardening of their scales. They first begin growing their scales in adolescense, and they have usually hardened within a year.   After a Splinterback has detonated its scales, there is a period of two months where it re-grows its scales. During this period, they are quite vulnerable.


"Do not provoke the Splinterback if you value your face."
-a Arzana proverb, similar to 'don't poke the bear' or 'mess with the bull and you'll get the horns'.
For most of the day, Splinterbacks prefer to move on their own, and it is quite rare to see more than one or two in a range of about 500 metres during this period. This changes during the evenings, when they associate in small groups while settling down for the evening. The exception are young Splinterbacks, who remain close with either the mother or father throughout the day, while the other parent ranges alone until the evening.   Splinterbacks prefer to catch their prey unawares if possible, lying in wait under foliage before leaping upon them and consuming them. They will not use their detonation attack against prey, having an understanding of the cost of such versus the benefit.   When confronted by predators- of whom, beyond jaguars, panthers, bears, humans and Magmahawks there are very few - Splinterbacks fight ferociously. They prefer to use their claws and teeth where possible to repel attacks, but if the fight is going against them, if it is a fight they are unlikely to win, or if their young are threatened or eggs are threatened, they will detonate their scales to devastating effect.   Generally Splinterbacks prefer to avoid humans, and will not come near settlements or areas where humans have been seen, understanding them to be extremely dangerous even beyond usual predators. They will usually prefer to watch humans from a distance if one comes into their range, or run away should one move closer. If a human gets too close to them - or if they are with their young or eggs - all bets are off and a fight will soon ensue.

Additional Information


There have been a few records of the Arzana tribes of the jungle domesticating Splinterbacks, usually as guards or companions, and particularly intrepid Magantines and Avadians have attempted in the past. Due to the lethal defenses they have against both capture and potentially while in captivity, however, most do not bother.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Humans who trap or hunt Splinterbacks usually do so for their meat or eggs. This activity is usually carried out by Arzana hunters and generally only out of desperation when food is otherwise scarce.   With the arrival of other peoples north of the Arzai Jungle, a number of humans; usually Avadian, Magantine or Calinani, but with a rising number of Kjor, seek to harvest unexploded Splinterback scales, considered a curiosity or trophy.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Splinterbacks have adopted their senses for their jungle surroundings, with sharp vision to detect even subtle movements in the foliage. They are also able to sense through vibrations in the earth.
13-17 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
Average Weight
35 kgs
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Splinterbacks are a bluish-grey in colour; usually blue in their youth and grey as they age. Their scales have a silvery sheen to them. Eye colour ranges from green, blue, yellow and red.   Males develop additional scales, patterned like chevrons, on their limbs as indicators of their sex.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 4, 2024 13:28 by Grey

Great quote at the start, that absolutely hooked me! Love these guys, the exploding scales are awesome ^_^