The Azure

"If I may, Firedancer, it's just a surprise to see a member of the clergy here."   "Balaros values dance, song, exultation and drawing energy from the people around us. And there's no end of flame here. Where else in Solathi would I be?"
-A discussion between a partygoer and Firedancer Sera, a Firedancer monk
  The Azure is a taverna and surrounding compound located in the West Riviera district of the city of Solathi. The brainchild of Kirrin Jalos, an eccentric and wealthy Solathine noble, It is the first megataverna - an entertainment compound of sorts catering to young partygoers in Solathi. Considered to be one of the most prestigious venues in the entire Calinan Sea, it boasts regular performances by famed musicians, dancers and other performers, exotic beverages - and other substances - from across the Calinan, a private beach, a variety of gambling games, dance floors, and private and public lounges.   It is considered the ultimate place to see and be seen, with a night at the Azure considered the ultimate endgoal for people aspiring to wealth and power, and one of the perks of those who already hold it. The sheer scope and logistics involved with events at such a place mean that the venue itself can only afford to operate once or twice a month in order to remain viable.  

The Compound

The Azure compound is built upon a private stretch of beach belonging to the House of Jalos. Its central focus is the main taverna, a wide rectangular limestone building with three storey, along with a number of other buildings. The taverna building itself consists of four major sections, consisting of;  
  • The Taverna Floor: The interior of the taverna is illuminated by lanterns encased in blue-tinged glass, filling the room with a bright blue light from which the venue takes its name. The ground floor is host to a large, wide bar area manned by many servers on the far end of the room. Smaller more intimate booths can be found along the left and right of the main floor, while the vast majority of the floor is dedicated to an open floor which can be used for musical performances, acrobatic spectacles, featured dancers, or otherwise can simply serve as a greatly expanded drinking and dancing space.
  • The Symposium: This is the name for the second floor of the taverna building. As the name suggests it is considered more of a meeting and discussion place than the wilder chaos of the main taverna floor. Whether it be the mingling of nobility, the hushed discussions and discreet tablet-sliding of merchants and wayfarers negotiating deals, or simply smaller groups of friends seeking a respite from the noise below, this is one location where there is an emphasis on the intimate. The decor of the area reflects this theme, with the walls painted a dark red with black horizontal bars, backlit by amber lanterns. Booths are frequent here to facilitate closer contact, along with chaises and chairs. Musicians play here, but only quieter softer tones like harps.
  • The Rooftop: This exclusive lounge is set up on the roof of the taverna, boasting views of the surrounding area and Solathi in general. Very much intended to serve as a quieter getaway from the chaos of the main floors, this location is decorated with tiki-style torches, large wicker chairs, cushioned couches and chaises, with a few tables around the periphery. The centrepiece of the rooftop is a circular stone bar surrounding a walled-off stone brazier, which is continually tended throughout nights, the flame bright and distinctive enough to be seen from around Solathi.
  • The Underworld: This is the latest development of the megataverna, and has been set up in the basement of the main taverna building. This is a vast open space dedicated to gambling in all its forms. Dicebone tables have been set up throughout the floor, while the perimeter of the room has set up to accommodate foot races. In the centre are a number of fighting pits, where wrestling and pankration can be wagered upon. On special occasions, full-blown duels between skilled warriors are held.
  Outside of the taverna building itself are two other features, consisting of;  
  • The Beach: All of the waterfront of the compound is open to patrons for swimming and lounging in the sun. A number of wicker sun loungers have been set up - for a fee, of course - with the option to hire runners to deliver food and drink on the beach.
  • The Lagoon of Light: This is a series of interconnected wooden boardwalks built over the beach and out into the sea itself. It also serves as a landing for private vessels. A central octagon-shaped platform interconnects the boardwalks and serves as a bar, lounge and impromptu dance floor. It takes its name from the bioluminescent plankton in the water, and is a common spot for romantic walks, jetty jumping, night swimming and drunken marvelling.

Purpose / Function

"Tenundo cigars! Denatan rum! Kasite sharbat! A floor full of lucrative ventures to be taken up, a chance to triple my earnings on the pankration pit, and some of the prettiest people I've ever laid eyes on. By the gods, man, this is the place to be."   "I'll give it this, the drinks are good. Shame about the obnoxious music and the somehow worse people."
-a conversation between the Avadian wayfarer Calliano of Avadia and the Mayokan explorator Antorius Veluinnis at the Taverna Floor
  Kirrin Jalos - herself a notorious carouser and mingler of high society - envisioned the Azure to be the next evolution of the Sapphran inn, Heartlander beer hall, or Avadian taverna, hence the term megataverna. While normal tavernae served as places to drink, eat and serve as social hubs for townsfolks and villages, as the first megataverna Jalos envisioned the Azure Palace as a similar hub but taken to a grander level; multiple rooms, multiple forms of entertainment, extravagant beverages from across the Calinan and, most importantly, an important networking venue for Solathi's elite and the Calinan Sea's biggest players.   The purpose of the venue does not just cater to the entrenched old money, however. For lower ranking nobles, merchants seeking to enter the nobility or young nobles just entering the social scene, the Azure provides the opportunity to network, schmooze, bond and even ingratiate oneself into the company and friendship of others higher on the social totem pole. For Avadian wayfarers and other mercenaries and adventurers, it is a place to acquire some of the most lucrative contracts in the Sea - and for the wealthy and powerful to find the highest quality wayfarers to get their jobs done.   For performers such as musicians, dancers and acrobats, the Azure is a surefire ticket to fame and fortune. If a performer stands out and is invited to perform at one of the Azure's stages, they will have all eyes upon them, with some of the richest and most powerful people in the Calinan watching on. More than one talented performer has earned the personal patronage of a house, merchant or noble after performing at the Azure.


"Look over there, Ilayda. Right there, next to the tall Kalriv in the armour. That's Kara Avila."
-overheard discussion between two young Solathine nobles
  While most of the attendees at the Azure Palace are young Solathine nobles looking to network and/or carouse, the megataverna's reputation and sheer legend draws in people from all walks of life. Wealthy merchants often find themselves here to mingle and to try to enter the social networks of the nobility, while Avadian wayfarers often come here to carouse after a good haul or before a long voyage. Even members of the reigning House of Avila - usually the family of the Dux - can sometimes be seen here, a possibility which keeps the clients coming back.   The sheer cost of attendance does not deter people, and a common custom among the middle class is to collate resources and throw an enormous party for a youth who has just come of age.


The Azure Palace is not left unguarded, with the House of Jalos employing a specialised private security-oriented mercenary company to provide security throughout the symposium and its surrounds.
Founding Date
462 TE
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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