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Tortuga is a city in the Caribbean, and most notably a city free of the influence of any of the European royalties. This town is most commonly known for its constant celebrations, feasts, and nightly flooding of the streets with drunken pirates. Tortuga has no local guard force, and pirates are free to come and go as they please.


Tortuga is made up of equal portion Europeans and freed slaves from Africa, with a small contingent of escaped and freed native Caribbean Islanders (5% of the total population).    Roughly 80% of the population's primary employment is as a sailor on various ships, some merchant, some pirate. There is no distinction in Tortuga.


Tortuga is ruled as a passive democracy with very little forefront appearance of the city's mayor. The role is purely ceremonial and often made as a running joke amongst the regular heathens of Tortuga. The real work is typically carried out by the shopkeeps and merchants of the city, who attempt to repair the disastrous condition of the city every day while the drunkards are asleep.


While Tortuga has no real defense other than a few guard towers, the city regularly hosts upwards of 500 individual pirate crews at any given time. On several occasions, members of the various occupying countries of the Caribbean have attempted to invade Tortuga, only to be turned upon and shot by all ships simultaneously. Incredibly, this did not stop the endless drinking and partying in the city.

Industry & Trade

Tortuga, despite its awful reputation, rivals the capitals of every crownship's stronghold in economic power. The top three industries are ale, prostitution, and food. This endless merriment of the pirate crews who visit here funds several other minor industries not found elsewhere in the Caribbean, such as jewelrycrafting, elaborate ship masonry, and fine dresswear.


Tortuga is built atop a natural flatland around its bay. Surprisingly, much money has gone into the streets and roads of Tortuga, which are beautifully maintained by a group of drunken masons known as the Tortuga Keepers, who drink and eat for free in the city in exchange for their public services.

Guilds and Factions

Although no factions officially inhabit the free city of Tortuga, the city is unofficially considered a territory of The Brethren Court and its followers.


Founded sometime in the 1650's, Tortuga was originally a French port that welcomed a group of pirates into its streets as a form of free protection. As relationships with the French deteriorated (most notably due to the massive amount of alcohol consumption and prostitution) the French attempted to rehabilitate the pirates. The pirates then sacked their own city, ousted the French, and created their own city, which is now Tortuga.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Pirate Island, Pirate Escape, The Pirate Cay
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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