Ben Yan

Ben Yan was the assistant cook on the merchant ship Pilgrim of Saila. He was a very tall, very overweight human with greasy hair and pockmarked skin, and always wore a dirty kitchen apron.   Ben was asleep inside a medical stasis pod when the Pilgrim of Saila was attacked by Baazu and his gang of slaad on 4 Illyrie 657. He had been there since early this morning, after he reported to Ophia Milkweed in the infirmary that he was ill (he was actually massively hung over and likely suffering from mild alcohol poisoning). When the Pilgrim crashed on Norecha, Ben was lucky enough to survive, but remained in stasis.   Unfortunately, Ben was implanted with slaad eggs by Baazu during the month before the Pilgrim's distress signal was received. By the time he was awakened by the investigation team from the Kite, the slaad tadpole had already grown almost to maturity within his body. He was brought aboard the Kite with extreme stomach pains and other signs of illness, and before any action could be taken, the slaad tadpole burst from Ben's chest, killing him.
Date of Death
23 Jundall 657