
(a.k.a. "Mr. Dromb")

Baazu is a green slaad.   On 4 Illyrie 657, Baazu and his pack attacked the Pilgrim of Saila, a large merchant vessel traveling through the Arm of Asar. As of a result of the attack (whether accidental or intentional), the Pilgrim crashed onto the planetoid Norecha, embedding itself into the side of a mountain (and a long-abandoned facility known as the Fungeon. All other members of Baazu's pack were killed in the attack or crash.   Baazu was trapped on Norecha for three months, awaiting another rescue vessel on which he could escape. While there, he implanted several of the remaining crew members (stored in stasis pods) with slaad eggs, and consumed a number of the inhabitants of the facility for food.   On 23 Jundall 657, another merchant vessel - the Kite - arrived on Norecha, investigating a distress signal from the Pilgrim. Baazu disguised himself as one of the deceased crew members (the Giff security officer Dromb), and attempted to convince members of the Kite's search party to take him and the infected crew onboard. Unfortunately for Baazu, the party grew suspicious of his somewhat desperate behaviour, and eventually his true identity and motives were revealed. After a brief confrontation, Baazu fled into the Fungeon, and was presumably left behind there, awaiting rescue by another unsuspecting vessel.  


  During his time on Norecha, Baazu implanted four crew members from the Pilgrim of Saila with his eggs, intending for them to spawn tadpoles who would eventually replenish his lost crew.  
  • Grelnick Wrenchknee - A sailor on the Pilgrim of Saila. Died from his injuries and/or the implantation process.
  • Sorrow - The Pilgrim of Saila's lookout. Died from her injuries and/or the implantation process.
  • Ben Yan - Assistant ship's cook aboard the Pilgrim of Saila. Ben survived the implantation process, and died aboard the Kite when a Slaad tadpole burst from his chest (which was quickly killed by the ship's crew before the Kite left Norecha).
  • Perenia Daywisp - The Pilgrim's Junior Navigator. Perenia was still infected when the Kite arrived at the Spelljammer on 24 Jundall 657. She left the ship in the care of Ophia Milkweed, and the fate of the Slaad tadpole inside her is unknown.
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