Haffa City Watch

The Haffa City Watch is the official police force of Haffa, organized and funded by the Al-Dhinai ruling family.   The Watch is generally understaffed, uninterested in the city's non-wealthy population, and difficult to access, which has lead to the formation and growth of the Haffa Wardens as an alternative police force for the less fortunate citizens of Haffa. However, despite its inadequacies as a city police force, members of the Watch are reasonably well-trained and can effectively defend Aldinai family properties and certain "important" parts of the city.  


Officers and Constables of the Watch generally wear grey leather armour and caps, with the Watch insignia burnt into each of them. They carry short swords and/or bows.   Detectives wear civilian clothing, with City Watch badges on their belts.   Higher ranked members of the Watch wear more ornate or expensive versions of the standard uniform, with marks of rank. Leaders will wear partial plate armour, tunics with prominent insignias, and often blue capes for ceremonial events.  

Notable Members

  • Lord Ishaar Woudy is Commander of the Haffa City Watch.

Peace and Order.

Government, Law Enforcement