Haffa Wardens

The Haffa Wardens are the local, semi-official, militia of Haffa.   The official police of Haffa - the Haffa City Watch - are too few in number and too focused on specific, wealthier areas of the city, to adequately police a city of Haffa's size. As such, the Haffa Wardens self-organized many years ago, and have been running as a parallel, semi-private city police and defense force ever since. The relationship between the Wardens and the City Watch is one of disdained acceptance, especially in recent years where Haffa has become a relatively safe, low-crime city (at least within its city walls).  


The insignia of the Haffa Wardens is a crested helm. Their slogan is QUA. ALAM. MURTAZ., which means "Strength. Pain. Freedom."    


While there is no official uniform for the Haffa Wardens, whose members are responsible for arming and equipping themselves. However, there is a general trend for Wardens to wear desert colours and camouflage clothing items over their armour and (usually excessive) weaponry. Most members will display a badge or patch of the Wardens' crested helm insignia, and many are known to have tattoos of the crested helm displayed in prominent locations (arms, hands, necks).    

Notable Members

  • Fiqaya bint Ghaili al-Manaai - Commander of the Haffa Wardens.
  • Fyad al-Sulai - A member of the Wardens, involved in the defense of Haffa during the attack on 20 Jundall 657.
  • Huda Binaai - A member of the Wardens, involved in the defense of Haffa during the attack on 20 Jundall 657.


Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Notable Members