Landing Deck

The Landing Deck of the Spelljammer is a large platform that rests upon the head of the great manta-ray like beast. It is about 300 feet wide and 800 feet long, and is surrounded by a low railing. The Deck is flat and wide, with only three small structures resting on its surface.   Ships arriving at the Spelljammer land on long, well-organized strips arranged around the surface of the Landing Deck. There are different sizes and shapes of anchoring spots for different types of ships: some flat, some with divots in the ground (to accommodate keels and the like), and some with structures to support unusual hull shapes. The dock has space for 50-60 ships, but most of the time only 20 or so are occupied.   Shivaks of various configurations and sizes run back and forth along the deck, scuttling up to the docked ships picking up or removing cargo, or seemingly implementing repairs. A small but steady stream of people from a wide variety of races and cultures move mostly casually up and down a central, slightly raised walkway that leads tailward, toward the main city of the Spelljammer.   At the south end of the Landing Deck are entrances to three further areas of the Spelljammer:
  • Old Astor's Market, a large, two story warehouse, its huge double-doors wide open to expose what appears to be a fairly busy indoor shopping and dining area.
  • The Council Building, a multi-storied amphitheatre, made out of a white, bonelike material common to the Spelljammer's structures. Standing on the Landing Deck, and looking over the Council Building, once can also see a tall, round tower extending from its roof. This is the Captain's Quarters, currently occupied by Captain Qhauphess.
  • The Concourse, the Spelljammer's main central thoroughfare, begins at the Landing Deck, running between the Council Building and Old Astor's Market and providing access to the rest of the city. Looking down it, travelers can see a mishmash of towers and structures of wildly differing shapes, colours, and sizes, extending toward the Spelljammer's tail.


Three structures are present on the Landing Deck:
  • Maintenance Garage - A large, long, wood and stone structure that runs along the centre of the Deck. It has various ports and garages from which Shivaks of different configurations run in and out, carrying ship parts for repairs.
  • Commercial Office - Next to Ship's maintenance stands a squat, round, two-story building that appears to almost grow out of the deck, made entirely of a white, chitinous material that resembles bone or ivory. The commercial office is run by Jurl Wargut, the dockmaster, a gruff, hairy orc with a number of facial piercings and large, untrimmed tusks.
  • Tourism Office - A tiny shack, cobbled together from wood panels and bits of what seem to be bone, sits pressed up against the large market building in the southwest of the Landing Deck. A small sign on the door shows the enigmatic opening times for this office, which seem to be random two hour intervals each weekday. It is operated by an enthusiastic halfling couple, Sheila and Tina Grimetoes, who sell Spelljammer souvenirs and maps. The souvenirs are mostly homemade junk they've crafted themselves - quilts with pictures of the various buildings and ships or patterns of the Spelljammer itself, small ship models in assorted glass jars and bottles, bits of rock or dried materials they claim to be fragments of body parts from the Spelljammer's innards, etc. Any maps they have are old and inconsistent, and usually include a lot of handwritten notes and crossed out / renamed locations.

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