Old Astor's Market and Storehouse

Old Astor's Market takes up the ground floor of a two-story building that is one of the largest on the Spelljammer. Once an ad hoc open air market that built up overtime beneath the Storehouse above, it has been somewhat gentrified over recent years and is now a popular shopping and gathering location for many of the denizens of the Spelljammer.   The Market is accessible from three main entrances - one from the Landing Deck to the north, one from the Concourse to the east, and one from the Collective  to the west. It also has a large double-doored entrance to the south which leads to the Shivak Terminal, but this is closed to the public. All of the Market's entrances are adorned by a bust of Old Astor, the ancient, blind beholder who was once the Steward of the Market for many centuries, before his eventual death several hundred years ago. The centre of the Market also includes a large statue of Old Astor, wrinkled and blind with shrivelled eyestalks, overlooking the booths in the area with a satisfied expression on his face.  


Old Astor's Market has dozens of permanent booths, temporary booths, eating and drinking areas, and wandering merchants selling from carts or coats. Almost anything common and mundane is available here: foodstuffs, supplies, housewares, tools, weapons, jewelry, medicines, gadgets. Some basic magical items may be found here, although more likely to be obtained from specialty stores elsewhere. Merchants and workers in the Market may be able to direct customers to the right place to find what they area looking for, if it's not available here. Most of the dining facilities are in the south end of the Market.   Some key locations include:
  • Farmer Stands - In the north part of the market, the farmers from the Gardens sell their wares, which include fruits, vegetables, and meats of all kinds. Many are exotic and unusual, and not found outside the Spelljammer (at least not for a reasonable price).
  • Umur's - An unnamed stand run by an elderly dwarf woman named Umur. Umur buys and sells discount and damaged costume jewelry from the artisans in Smalltown (or wherever else she can get it), the cheaper and gaudier the better.
  • Kristobar's Public House - A large, touristy house selling 'starmash' - a sour, beerlike drink - in many different flavours as well as expensive meals.
  • The Witch and Wand - A small kiosk selling inexpensive but often useless magic items.
  • Wiffle's - A gadget shop.
  • Youdoo Voodoo - A reagent and herb shop. The shop is run by a husband and wife team of rastipedes (insect centaurs) who call themselves Jeff and Judy. They have rastipede names, but they're unpronouncible, and they speak through some kind of magical devices that make them sound like they are from northern Minnesota.
Market square

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