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Celestial Government

The government of the Celestial Empire is theoretically a Divine Autocracy, with the Empress making all decisions unilaterally with the aid of advisors. In practice, however, power has been more and more delegated over the past few hundred years, and most political decisions are now made by the First Minister, or Regent (currently Regent Sai). All political positions are given by appointment and there is no democracy.   The seat of power in the Empire is the Celestial City in First Province. All nation-wide decisions are implemented here, and the Court presides over the enactment and implementation of the vast majority of laws. Court politics are dictated by a heavily ritualised faction-system, and methods of power-grabbing such as assassination are not only common but encouraged, as successful assassinations are seen as proof of ruthlessness and cunning. Traditionally, the system has skewed matriarchal, as women are seen as more able politicians, but in recent years more men have been permitted positions in government. Any person holding a political position of governorship or above is required to be a Chrysanthemum-caste High Aasimar. There are no fixed terms, and all appointments are for-life, or until you are dismissed from your post.  

Governmental Structure

  The government traditionally uses a system of 'Four Ministries'. The numbering of these ministries indicates ranking in terms of power, rather than the actual function of each ministry, as a politician's choice of faction itself dictates what particular area of government they intend to prioritise. In other words, a Clement Minister will always be a minister for agriculture and industry, regardless of whether they are First, Second, Third, or Fourth Minister. Beneath each of these ministers are the 'Secretaries' who help form policy for particular issues: for example, the Minister of Splendour will have Secretaries for War and Secretaries for Silence working for them, usually numbering between three and six people per post. The ranking of Secretaries is determined by the ranking of their faction.   Because of this system, one faction will always be considered 'Ascendant' (i.e., a member of that faction is First Minister,) and will have more power than the others. As Regent Sai is a Splendid Minister, the current era is considered 'Splendour Ascendant.' It is a requirement to have each faction represented in the Four Ministries, a tradition so sacred that even Regent Sai has refrained from deviating from it.  




Leader: Regent Sai   The faction of Splendour, aligned with the Aspect of the Sun, is currently ascendant. Its leader is Regent Sai. The faction is heavily associated with the military and claims domain over the Secretaries of War and of Silence (the ministry associated with counter-intelligence, propaganda and 'peacekeeping').   The Splendour faction is the most powerful at court and drives Imperial policy. Under Sai, the faction has emphasised heavy investment into industrialisation drives, greater recruitment to fund the Glorious Conquest & harsher penalties for insurrection. It is officially allied with the faction of Serenity and thus also supports state-driven scientific research funding initiatives, as well as the introduction of some Western innovations, in particular the use of steam and gas engines.  


Leader: Vacant, previously Zhou First   The faction of Serenity, aligned with the Aspect of the Star, is the second most powerful at Court due to its alliance with Splendour. Prior to a few months ago, it was ranked beneath Radiance, but its then-leader Zhou First was appointed Left Hand (second Minister) upon his election to head of the faction. Serenity claims domain over the Secretaries of Justice and of Science and Culture, presiding over education, research, and the legal system, as well as the arcane.   Serenity gained startling influence over the course of Zhou's leadership and presents the only significant challenge to Splendour's power, although Sai maintains an iron grip over the Court. Their policy has historically been fluid; the current agenda is largely in concert with that of Splendour.  


Leader: Ko Tenth   The faction of Radiance, aligned with the Aspect of the Moon, is heavily traditionalist, xenophobic, and conservative in outlook and pursues policies largely incompatible with the current leadership, causing much friction in government. It claims domain over the secretaries for Diplomacy and Rites, handling foreign policy--hence the Empire's current policy of isolationism--as well as all religious policy.    


Leader: Chin Third   The faction of Clemency, aligned with the Aspect of the Cloud, has steadily lost influence over the course of the past century and has not been ascendant for 150 years. Their leader, Chin, is notorious for voting with his pockets and taking bribes from whoever can afford them. They have an inconsistent policy direction in this sense, but as they take domain over economic and agricultural affairs, they largely support drives towards greater self-sufficiency and industrialisation.

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