Ulgani Sortumaknan

Ulgani Sortumaknan (a.k.a. The Resilient)

Ulgani Sortumaknan is one of the few remaining alive who had seen the time before and after Yane Mannemyoc's discovery which eventually restored the Forsaken to being somewhat tolerated members of larger society. As such she is a studious teacher of the Passages of Three Conflicts, a passionate teacher of the methods of Void Regulation in society, and a strict teacher on the powers of the void and of Phenomic crafting. While she is known to be strict, however, she is also fair, and is more than willing to help others out in a crisis. Her connections as a higher member of the House of the Grey in Xenovia lends herself to be prudent in her approach, but she understands the necessity of holding oneself to a higher standard in the face of a society that views you with skepticism.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Ulgani is a wielder of the Aspect of Phenomic Crafting and a Talented Mythic Dustforger

Specialized Equipment

Ulgani has been training people in the ways of wielding and controlling their powers for half of her very long life. She is therefore very good at doing what she does

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





While Ulgani has dedicated her life to the training of all Forsaken, she has great experience as a warrior and an explorer as well, giving her practical knowledge and experience in a number of areas.


Magic is an abomination to her


Contacts & Relations

Good friends with Tantimie Komestra

Family Ties

Was once affiliated with the House of the Undermount.

Religious Views

Strong advocate for the Passages of the Three Conflicts

Social Aptitude

Somewhat socially adept. Those who cross her will likely get rapped across the knuckles.


Is somewhat grumpy, but if she likes you she can become somewhat affectionate.

Wealth & Financial state

As the head trainer of her namesake facility, she is paid very well. She donates much of her excess money towards the cause to help shore up holes in the expenses. She also has a nest egg left over from the past chapters of her life, which she uses to fulfil her obligations.

Mistress Sage and prominent trainer of the Xenovian branch of the House of Grey (Pact House of Sortumaknan). Trains any members of the party who need the House of the Grey's services due to her connections to the House of Roth Tamay. Strict but not overbearing, and not to be trifled with.

Character Location
Current Location
Bastion Validipol, Pact House of Sortumaknan, Banner of the Grey
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Greymother (Official title) Training Overseer The Gray Mistress The Grey Watcher (When part of the Undermount) The Undying
Teppetetltlan, Mannemyocani City-States
Current Residence
Bastion Validipol, Xenovia
Grey with Orange edges
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 6in


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