Aspect of Phenomic Crafting

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Phenomic Crafting are capable, with enough time, focus, and energy, of crafting and wielding weapons that embody the grand elements of the natural world, and form as a catalyst for wielding natural phenomenon as weapons. Though the wielders of this power are generally born with a touch of the Void within them, they can harness their sapping powers to great advantage, and with enough collected energy, can forge weapons from which legends are made of.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Coldstone Forge: Because forging powerful weapons takes significant time, wielders of this power create and expand with their excess energy a Coldstone Forge which they use both as a method of staving off their inherent Hunger (as Forsaken ) and as places to store the phenomenon they want to craft into weapons. The number and potency of the phenomena used in the crafting of these weapons works as follows:
  • -> Number - 1+1 Seperate Phenomena for every 2 points in Coldstone Forge with an additional one at max level (Max of 4 at level 5)
  • -> Potency - Player must roll Wits + Fluva Sphere number of Dice with a difficulty of 9 - 1 per point in Coldstone Forge to determine how much of the phenomena they can absorb into the forge and how much they absorb themselves in the process. Failures in this sense mean more is absorbed towards hunger than is actually captured for use later.

Background Abilities

  • Stronger energy sensitivity than most Forsaken
  • The ability to use Catalym (such as the Coldstone Forge) as a focus for energy absorption powers.
  • The ability to parse phenomena to absorb for the forging process.
  • The ability to convert energy into matter while still retaining the properties associated with the phenomena.
  • The ability to store excess energy absorbed into a 'solid form' (Coldstone) until later.

Celestial Cores

  • Absorb Phenomena

    Absorb Phenomena

    Absorb Phenomena
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to absorb a phenomenon that they've encountered or that they've observed and place it within their Coldstone Forge. After determining how powerful their absorption will be with a Potency roll (See Coldstone Forge) the player rolls a raw Intonation roll vs the phenomenon in question to determine the volume absorbed. If they choose to absorb the attack of an enemy or a phenomenon created by another power wielder, they must succeed at half the complexity of the form they are absorbing to succeed at absorbing the energy in its current configuration, otherwise it is absorbed as a raw form of the energies wielded for that ability.   Absorb Components: The potency of the absorption is determined by a roll of Wits + Fluva Sphere. Once done, the Volume of the absorbed material is determined by a default roll of the player's Intonation. This roll creates specified 'Components' stored within the player's Coldstone Forge that represents the phenomenon absorbed. The amount of Components for a single phenomenon is limited to the maximum of the player's Void Sphere number.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Void Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type
    Phenom Hollow
  • Spew Phenomena

    Spew Phenomena

    Spew Phenomena
    When the player has absorbed a phenomena into their Coldstone Forge, the player's number of successes determines how many 'charges' of that phenomena that exist at one time. At any point for self-defense purposes, the player can lob a small portion of that phenomena back at enemies to deal damage or (with +1 difficulty) use as fuel for an Aspectral Form of their choosing, so long as they have one or more charges of the phenomena within their Forge.   Component Rules: The player can choose to invest absorbed phenomena components and release it from their Coldstone Forge to invest in the creation of various effects and abilities, or as an exercise of raw power to disrupt enemies. If they choose the raw power use of these components, they leave the results of this effect to the Storyteller.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Void Sphere (OOOO)
    Core Type
  • Forge/Wield Phenomic Weapon

    Forge/Wield Phenomic Weapon

    Forge/Wield Phenomic Weapon
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to Forge a Phenomic Weapon using the phenomenon stored in their Coldstone Forge. So long as they have more than one Component of the phenomenon in their forge, they are able to create the item, with the potency of the resulting weapon set by the number of charges invested in creating it.   Crafting with Phenomic Components: The number of Phenomic Components used to invest in a weapon determines the kind of weapon that can be created and its resulting materials. Additionally, during the process, the player gain an additional pool of components to manipulate the property of the weapon based on a roll of their Flux Sphere. This pool of Flux components is used to harness the phenomenon in specific ways, negotiated directly with the Storyteller. Lastly, the player rolls their Fluva Sphere to determine how many charges of the phenomenon the resulting item naturally stores within itself before being depleted. All of these feed into the resulting weapon created.   Below is a chart showing the Phenomic Component-to-material ratio:

    Chart of Phenomic Component Conversion

    Component NumberAmuletistWeaponmongerTincturistDustforger
    2Enjeweled EnergyShaped EnergyLiquified energyEnergy Dust
    3Light StoneLight MetalWaterPowder
    5Conglomorate GemstoneRefined MetalMolassesMetallic dust
    6Purified GemstoneReinforced MetalGelDiamond Dust
    Wielding a Phenomic Weapon
      The usage of this core results in an item which can can be wielded through drawing on the wielder's full power, but requires a number of Celestial Sphere points equal to the amount of charges invested within it to wield at full power, and Catalytic attunement to the weapon to be wielded in this way at all. If they do not possess these points, even if they are the creator it is wielded at half power instead.   When wielded, the weapon or object releases energy akin to recreating a phenomenon as if the phenomenon was generated at an intonation level equal to the number of charges used in the creation of the weapon itself, and thus the player must roll that when using the powers of this weapon. If they desire to wield that weapon's power as part of any Form they are trained in, they increase the difficulty and complexity of the form they are using by 1 each (if they are not the weapon's creator), substituting their points in the Celestial Sphere for any other associated elemental sphere points (The creator of this object can use both Celestial Sphere points and Void Sphere points as substitutes), and one of the weapon's components for the elemental components needed. Any weapon created in this way when wielded by their creator can add their own intonation level to the phenomenon the weapon generates.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Various elements (OO), Crafting (O)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this power generally have a slightly grey pallor to their skin, along with the eye traits of a Forsaken person. When fully charged, if one pays attention, one can see little sparks fly from their body to their Coldstone Forge.

Node Locations

  The nodes for this ability are located in both hands as well as two sub-nodes at the back of the head to aid in seeing and parsing phenomena.  

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known as Amuletists. Strongly aligned with the earth, Amuletists are known to make amulets and jewels of immense power and are known to have more than one of these powerful objects at them at all times. While they sometimes require the usage of other materials to create the setting for these objects, these objects tend to become powerful defensive and offensive artifacts that work continually for the one attuned to them.   Conditional changes: +2 difficulty creating materials from Coldstone Forge that are not stone, jewels, or metalloids

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Weaponmongers. Strongly connected to metal, Weaponmongers are known to create powerful weapons out of the elements of their choice, the metal reflecting the phenomenon off of their reflective surfaces. While the easiest to attune to, the weapons tend the be hard to wield to the fullest extent possible without time to get used to wielding such powers in battle (save for their creator).   Conditional changes: +2 difficulty creating materials from Coldstone Forge that are not metal

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Grand Tincturists. Strongly attuned to water and liquids, Grand Tincturists create potions, liquid bombs, acids, bases and tinctures which possess the powers of the phenomenon of choice within them. While these creations are potent, especially upon first creation, and are easier to create, they tend to lose their potency over time, and do so extremely rapidly once they enter a state change (freeze or evaporate), and thus must remain a liquid for maximum potency.   Conditional changes: +2 difficulty creating materials from Coldstone Forge that are not liquid or water based in nature.

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as Mythic Dustforgers. Attuned to the air, they are capable of creating 'dusts' collections of particles of solidified air containing the phenomenon, and are the most difficult to attune to. The creations, however, are not one time usage as one might expect, as they are always contained within a small 'Dust Bottle/Box' where the air powder returns to once the elements within are spent, made up of a small chunk of the creator's Coldstone Forge. The only way to destroy the dust within completely is to destroy the Dust Bottle/Box which they are inherently connected to. The creators of these items, however, have the ability to repair them with an extreme amount of focus and effort.     Conditional changes: +2 difficulty creating materials from Coldstone Forge that are not Solid Air Powders
Paragonic Origin Cataclysmic - The Shadow of Twin Stones   Control Schema Derivatis  - This occurs when the Aspect only allows for the person to wield power derived from a specific phenomenon associated with their power. While this may allow them to wield multiple elements simultaneously, it limits the usage of those abilities.   Associated Nations/Peoples Mannemyocan Principalities   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Sagecraft Leaning - This Aspect requires knowledge of the use of Glimpse and basic use of Sagecraft to more fully control their powers. Once learned, more focused shaping is necessary for mastery over their abilities.   Associated Elements
  • Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy (Only to collect the phenomena in question)
  • Flux Sphere (Only To craft the weapon/weapons in question from the phenomena, as well as the Forge in which it takes place)
  • Void Sphere (Because all current wielders of this power set are generally Void Afflicted and can only wield the powers of this sphere without stored up energy)


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