Aspect of Liminality

Core Abilities

  Wielder of this Aspect have the ability to create a Sub-Realm dimension which interlaces with reality, allowing them to transport objects or people into/out of the realm and manipulate inorganic materials as needed within it. The Sub-Realm is anchored to their location, but with enough energy, skill and control they can manipulate its position relative to themselves, allowing for the creation of more potent manipulations of space in regular reality.  

Supportive Abilities


Outer Manifestation


Node Locations


Elent Form & Abilities


Myst Form & Abilities


Flou Form & Abilities


Fatu Form & Abilities

Paragonic Origin Cataclysm - Plague of Forest Mist   Control Schema Proximus - Dimeton       Associated Nations/Peoples Eisendoria - The Touched   Mastery Focus Balanced


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