The Law of Surreality

The Distinction between the Real and the Surreal


Due to the nature of the powers and forces that exist in the Celestient Universe, the nature of Reality itself can sometimes be called into question. Nevertheless it is imperative that, despite the existence of different dimensions and dimensional spaces, that the rules of such distinctions be established correctly, so that they remain the same in all instances. This is the purpose of this article.    

The Real vs the Surreal

There are three elements required to make a physical realm fully "realized" location or Loci:  
  • A distinction of Space (represented by the force Dimeton)
  • A distinction of Temporal Flow (represented by the force Tempus)
  • A distinction of Direction (represented by the force Terron).
Without the distinction of time, the physical world becomes stagnant. Without the distinction of space, the world cannot be interacted with. Without the distinction of direction, the world becomes difficult if not impossible to navigate. As such, a true reality must have all of these qualities, in various quantities. All the worlds of the Celestient Universe have these elements in existence and maintained by the World Spirits themselves. Aside from the realm of reality there are 3 distinct 'surreal' realms that coexist with normal reality and the material realm, as well as others borne of the Spiritual Realm.    

The Realm of Abeyance (Anastoloci)

This realm is a parallel space to normal reality, wherein the effects of gravity and the awareness of time remain in place, yet those within cannot interact with normal reality beyond being buoyed up by the seed-earth itself. While those within retain an awareness of time going on around them, they themselves remain in a sort of stasis. They can move, but have no need to drink, eat, sleep, or even breathe. They are, in effect, stuck out of time, and will remain so until they find an area where the veil between realms is thin enough to allow passage back into the normal realm. The realm of Abayance is generally inaccessible to most people, but there are those who draw upon the forces within it subconsciously as part of their power, or briefly use it to transport themselves instantly across vast distances without being harmed. For the most part, the only guarantee of entering the Realm of Abeyance is passing through the Veiled Shell of any World. The Fae, the first to study the realms seriously, used the term Anastoloci (or Dormant Location) to describe this Realm.  

The Realm of Grey Flame (Sioploci)

It has been said among many in the Celestient Universe that time is a flame that burns through all things, aging them until they return to the earth. The realm of grey flame is said to be the space in which this flame becomes visible. Only those who have forcibly detached themselves completely from the awareness of time itself (such as those who have the ability to stop time for themselves) have borne witness to this realm. Navigation, though difficult and draining, is possible in this realm, though access is difficult without the necessary abilities and leaving the realm requires either being totally drained, willfully leaving the realm, or receiving a Counter-Intonation . Even so, like the Realm of Abeyance, several draw upon this realm unconsciously in their powers, especially as they manipulate temporal energy. The Fae dubbed this realm Sioploci (or Silent Location).  

The Sub-Realms (Esoloci)

The creation of pocket dimensions, colloquially known as Sub-realms, is uncommon but not particularly rare for those who possess spatial manipulation abilities. However, distinct to Subrealms is having all sense of solidified gravity disabled for all objects. A dense metal loses all gravitational pull or effect, unless the creator of the sub-realm intentionally makes it so, as by default the space lacks gravity and objects within simply...float, unimpeded. Entering a Subrealm is relatively easy, and can happen accidentally if the one who creates it leaves a portal access to it unattended. Leaving under ones own power is difficult, however, because a sub-realm's lack of natural gravity forces those within to rely on their abilities to navigate the space. The Fae dubbed these realms Esoloci (or Outer Locations)  

Domains, or Greater Realms

Domains are Realms that are birthed and maintained by those within the Spiritual Realms. It is said that the Universe itself exists in one of these, though many consider that ancient mythology. However, there are many people who claim that such realms do exist, and that they are both the sources of spiritual power and the domains of the deities. Whatever the case, these spaces are places that supposedly can only be entered or left at the permission of the spiritual entity that owns it.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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