Aspect of Mystyk Alchemy

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Mystyk Alchemy have the ability to generate and manipulate Coldstone Flux that is aligned to a specific physical material and energy. Through manipulating the concentrated energies generated from these coldstones, they are able to mix energies and materials to form incredibly powerful constructs and effects over a large area. The Coldstones they generate are constantly under their complete control, especially in solid form, and can be used to expend their energy over the course of an instant or a long period of time.      

Supportive Abilities

  • Energy and Material Resistance: Any Energy/Material that the character has spheres of, they gain resistance to (-1 to damage from such sources)

Celestial Cores

  • Generate Coldstone Sphere (Flux O, Limited to Coldstone)
  • Coldstone Conversion (Energy of Choice OO, Material of Choice OO)
  • Coldstone Combination (Celestial OOO)

Outer Manifestation

  While wielders of this aspect generally have a similar pale complexion to other Mystetuim, they only breath flux out during an exhale, and as such do not have a full cloud of flux around their bodies at all times.

Node Locations

  One node at each temple on the sides of the head.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Elent aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Singularics. Singularics have the ability to only generate one coldstone duality in total, but generate many coldstones of the same kind to combine for massive effect. Additionally, they have easy control over the elemental forces released by their coldstones, able to generate many Thread abilities off of a single coldstone type.   Additional Cores: None

Myst Form & Abilities

  Myst aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Duodynamics. Duodynamics have the ability to generate two coldstone elemental pairings in total. While they cannot generate the massive number of coldstones as rapidly as Singularics, Duodynamics have a great variety of power at their disposal which they can use to control the resulting combinations that can be made from the two pairs of elements available to them.   Additional Cores: Additional Generate Coldstone Sphere ( Flux OO) Additional Coldstone Conversion: (Material of choice OOO, Energy of Choice OOO, Celestial OOO) Coldstone Generation Difficulty +2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Flou aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Triumviratics. Triumviratics have the ability to generate 3 coldstone elemental pairings. However, the three energy pairings are linked to a single material pairing, limiting the control they have over the physical elements. They are, however, very good at mixing elemental energy and use their powerful skills to control flows of energy, generating lingering and powerful effects through the use of their physical element as a catalyst.   Additional Cores: Two Additional Generate Coldstone Spheres (Energies of choice OO,OOO, and OOOO respectively , all are linked to a single Material Alignment (Material of choice OO), Generate Material Orb (Material OOO) Additionally energy mixing difficulty is reduced (Requires Celestial OOOO) and orbs can create lingering Auras (Material OOOOO)

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Fatu aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Lemniscatics. The rarest form, Lemniscatics are capable of generating, controlling, and combining a near infinite amount of coldstones of any pairing of their choice. However, the creation of any pairing requires a greater amount of energy and concentration than for the other forms. However, they can use subtle manipulations that make the coldstones they generate last well beyond their concentrations, allowing them to stock their creations in advance for later use.   Additional Cores: Generate Coldstone Sphere changed from Empty to Hollow, Coldstone Stasis (Psionically blocked requiring training). Coldstone Generation Difficulty +3. Upon creation, Specific Coldstone Alignment must be determinedupon creation. (Celestial OOOO treated as Proximus for the purposes of elemental connection). Coldstones only last for a minute without concentration to maintain unless the player undergoes specific training to attain Coldstone Stasis (Flux OOOOO).
Paragonic Origin Durun Mygenik   Control Schema Multiplex en Tandem - This occurs when the Aspect only allows the person to wield multiple forces but only one at a time     Associated Nations/Peoples Mystetuim Nomads, City-state of Mystekuim   Mastery Focus Balanced - This Aspect requires a balanced training between basic Shaping and Sagecraft elements.


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