Tabula Phraas

The Allocations and Divisions of Force and Matter



The Tabula Phraas (or Table of Power) is a visual tablet created in days of old, explaining the basis of all that exists both in a force and material state. The Forces/Energies of the world, as well as the materials that are their makeup, are displayed here, as well as everything in between.   Below are the various elements that make up the natural world, from the outermost to the innermost segments  

Outermost Green: Material Elements

Those designated within the outermost ring are the materials that make up the natural world. They fall into the following categories:
  • Air - Representing breathable air, and, later, all discovered gasses.
  • Water - Representing first water, then including all naturally occuring liquids
  • Earth - Representing all things of earth that are inflexible, such as rock, crystal, soil, and other such earthen elements.
  • Metal - Representing all things of earth that are malleable and more easily meld-able, mold-able and shapable
Material elements make up the bulk of the natural world, and are themselves subject to the forces that permeate it. Control over specific material elements by Aspectral Power require either general control over movement in general (See: Movero) or a binding force between the powered being and the element (See: Fatua). Aside from these circumstances, Material Elements are usually generated or transmuted in the process of wielding power.  

Inner Rainbow: Flux Elements

Flux is an element that exists between energy and matter. Flux has various properties on its own, the most prominent of which is the ability to take on the properties of materials and/or energy when manipulated by those few powered beings who can consciously control it. Flux can also form a facsimile of organic material, but such power is a rare and generally subconscious effect of the use of their power, and such imitations rarely last long.   There are 4 sub-types of flux, each with their own unique properties on top of the general properties of flux.  
  • White Flux - The most common form of Flux, with the vague appearance of a misty mother-of pearl, White Flux can convert into any energy or material for a matter of a few minutes, but reverts back to its flux form without a large amount of energy devoted to maintaining its state.
  • Black Flux - A rare and unstable form of Flux that looks like a black, smoke-like mist, Black Flux is able to take on the properties of energy and matter, sometimes even multiple forms of energy and matter simultaneously, making it extremely dangerous. However, its unstable nature makes it mostly inert and it can only hold these properties for seconds to minutes at most.
  • Rainbow Flux - The rarest naturally occurring form of Flux, a semi-transparent form of mist that shimmers in the light with a rainbow hue, Rainbow Flux only forms when materials and energy/forces meet in an aerosolized, consistent state over a long period of time, or when a massive amount of energy is exuded specifically to break down material permanently into flux. This also briefly occurs when those with strong control over flux convert one form of material into another. In the same way that Rainbow Flux can permanently be created by breaking down material into Flux, Rainbow Flux can be permanently transformed into a material, and can therefore be used to create materials with properties impossible or difficult to create through natural sources. Doing so requires a large amount of energy, focus, and skill to be able to create such objects, however.
  • ColdStone Flux - A rare form of Flux that takes on the form of a highly reflective black stone, ColdStone Flux (also known as Coldstone for its nature of absorbing all forms of energy around itself to maintain its form, making it cool to the touch) is a form of flux specifically attuned to a form of matter and a form of energy. It can fluctuate between these forms at times, even converting from one to the other instantaneously, but it cannot take any other form or matter or energy unless specifically re-attuned to different forms, or converted into a different form of Flux. While this form of Flux can be naturally occurring, found deep within the earth, it is more commonly associated with various Aspectral powers.

Inner Diamond: Forces

Contained within the large inner diamond are different color coded diamonds containing the symbols of each of the forces of the universe which have an effect, directly and indirectly, on the world as it exists. Each of the five colors represent the main Force Categories, which are summarized below.  

Yellow Diamonds: Visual Forces

Visual Forces are those forces that affect sight or the ability to see things. They are denoted by the suffix '-ux' and are named the following:  

Blue Diamonds: Conceptual Forces

Conceptual Forces, by contrast, are those forces that are unseen and difficult to conceptualize, but which are integral to the everyday framework of life. They are denoted by the suffix '-on' and are named the following:

Red Diamonds: Natural Forces

Natural Forces are forces that are generally unseen, but are constantly ongoing, and have powerful and very noticeable effects upon the natural world. They are denoted by the suffix '-us' and are named the following:

Green Diamonds: Vital Forces

Vital Forces are the necessary forced required for life to exist. They are denoted by the suffix '-to' and are named the following:

White Diamonds: Primordial Forces

The Primordial Forces are the four essential forces of existence, without which not only would the universe itself not exist, but without which Aspectral powers could not exist as well. The even mixture of all these forces, Primordia, is the essential, primary force from which all other abilities are denoted, and which is only theorized to occur naturally as the method by which energy is stored in the Celestial Tapestry . The four most well known forces are as follows:
  • Elmentai - Force of Structure and Being: This Primordial Force denotes the properties of all things, given by their arrangement and their setup. It is the force by which all things have their being.
  • Mysterai - Force of Balance and Change: This Primordial Force denotes the changes in the properties that all things undergo in order to provide balance. It is the force by which all things live.
  • Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy: This Primordial Force denotes the motion of all forms of energy, and thereby the motion of all things. It is the force by which all things breathe.
  • Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence: This Primordial Force denotes the essential principles of cause and effect, action and reaction, give and take. It is the force in which all things have their being.
Metaphysical, Elemental

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