Aspect of Spectral Replication

Core Abilities

  Those who have this Celestial Aspect have the ability to replicate any object or material that they sufficiently analyze through the transmutation of Flux, which they can generate from their bodies at will in the replication process. These objects can gain or lose additional properties during the replication process, and replicated objects are fully under the control of their creator.  

Supportive Abilities

  • Tacto-Psionic Structural Analysis (also known as "The King's Gift") - The ability to ascertain the fundamental structure (Elmentai) of any object, including and not limited to its shape, properties, distinct parts, and materials.This ability is primarily activated through touch, though it can also relate to the other 5 senses.
  • Flux Manipulation/generation - The transmutation of energy into flux and flux into various materials
  • Selective Psychokineses - Specific to flux and replicants made out of flux
  • Eidetic Memory - For instant recall of information related to the structure of objects.

Outer Manifestation

While Fae (and non-Fae) users of this Aspect generally look normal, there is a slight but unmistakable flux haze around them most of the time, an indicator of their Aspectral Form. This haze intensifies when using their powers, and goes away completely if their powers are sealed or blocked for any reason.  

Node Locations

  The nodes for this ability, as a Fae Aspect, are tied with the 3 most prominent Nodes for most Fae: One in the front of the brain, one at the back of the neck, and one at the base of the tail. Those of mixed races who have this ability usually have nodes or sub-nodes in up to 2 of these locations, which deal with the management of this ability.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Those with this power who are Elent Form are known as "Crystamirrors". Instead of a haze, they have an aura of fragile coldstone that slightly lowers the temperature of the air around them. This minuscule coldstones expand into full replications of anything that they are actively analyzing, meaning they need to hold on to said object while creating and manipulating the replications. Failure to do so reverts the constructs into coldstone, which, while dangerous in its own right, is also fragile.

Myst Form & Abilities

  Those with this power who are Myst form are known as "Facturers". Their haze refracts light into rainbow colors. With their power they can easily and permanently replicate even complex objects, but doing so puts an enormous amount of strain on them, and they require a large amount of additional effort to 'bind' said replicated objects under their control, as they are not that way by default. As a result, they prepare weapons in advance to fight with, and work to master their control over them separately from their mastery over their power.

Flou Form & Abilities

  Those with this power who are Flou form are known as "Mystmimics". Their haze is most noticeable and can be expanded to quickly obscure their body as needed. They can transform this mist into any number of replicants they've analyzed, even from memory, and temporarily use them before they revert back to mist. They have difficulty replicating complex objects, however, and require active analysis to rapidly replicate them.

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Those with this power who are Fatu Form are known as "Shadowspanners". Their haze is dark, sometimes seen as ominous by non-Fae. They can create and manipulate Black Flux to create short lived replications of anything they remember sufficiently, and, with enough knowledge, can give their recalled replications additional properties that the original did not have, including multiple elemental properties at the same time.
Paragonic Origin Fae King Oberohm and Fae Queen Alphtania (Primordial Paragons)   Control Schema Proximus - Flux   Associated Nations/Peoples Faesmithea/Fae - The House of Orsolai   Mastery Focus   Shaping Leaning - This Aspect requires substantial training to control their power before focusing on Sagecraft and Sagesight.


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