Proximus (Proxy-mus)

This paradigm describes when the Aspect allows the person to wield multiple or all other elements through the use of a single force. In this way, the element not only is a method of shaping the person's surroundings, but also a catalyst by which they can manipulate other, or maybe all other forces. However, given its nature, this may become difficult, as the natural cycle which makes some elements more powerful against others naturally makes them difficult to be controlled by an element they are strong against.   For example, as it is difficult to defend against strong concussive energy with light projected shields, so to is it difficult to contain and direct such energy within a light structure without additional expenditure of energy.   In relation to the Celestial Sphere increasing points in that sphere represent the number of elements they can seek to control, with two points needed for elements for which they are naturally opposed (according to the Tabula Phraas ). This does not apply to the primordial elements, even if the Proximus element is a primordial element, and additionally the level of elemental control cannot exceed the points in the Proximus element. This, therefore limits the capability of the wielder of Proiximus, as while they are able to control all the elements, doing so stretches their powers too thinly.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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