Celestial Sphere


The Celestial Sphere is representative of Origin, a term describing the unknown that is formed at the unification of the four primordial forces. It thought that Origin is the true makeup of the Celestial Tapestry, as well as all Entuorbis Beings . As such, all beings have some ties to this sphere, and every living and awakened being has connections to this sphere. This sphere will always have at least one point in it by default as a result. Some people groups have unique powers that can only be attributed to this sphere. Said abilities will be expressed through their Cores, which reference this Sphere. Other Aspects delve heavily in this sphere. Regardless, it is key to understanding the principles of Sagehood in the Celestient Universe.   The Celestial Sphere also has additional effects determined by the player's Control Paradigm, which is detailed under each within the Control Paradigm category.  

Standard Powers

Standard Powers: Celestial Sphere

An overview of the standard powers granted by advancement in the Celestial sphere. Please note that Aspects such as the Aspect of Intonation can perform greater feats at lower levels due to the nature of the Aspect than these standard powers.

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Generic Energy Perception: Awakened individuals have the ability to both sense and identify energy auras. They cannot specify the particular manifestations of said phenomenon through their energy senses alone. 2 - SageSight: With some training, any Awakened individual can overclock their Celestial Tapestry to slow down their perception of time and allow them to sense energy patterns. This ability to sense energy patterns is heightened with each advancement in this Sphere. 3 - Resonance: With some training, Awakened individuals can resonate with identified Foci, and thereby cause a controlled activation.
OO1 - Generic Material Perception: Individuals can distinguish Foci materials from non-foci materials, even if said Foci materials are depleted. 2 - Minor Harmony: The individual can harmonize with 1 individual, coordinating and sharing their energies to perform a greater feat.
OOO1 - Generic Origin perception: Individuals can determine distinctions in one's Celestial Tapestry, as well as have a greater understanding of their own Intonation, as well as that of others. 2 - Force Resonance: Individuals with this power can resonate with and trigger a Foci in their environment, even if it is attuned to someone else.
OOOO1 - Intonation Interference: Individuals can attempt to disperse or disrupt power based effects generated by enemies. This can be used both offensively and defensively. 2 - Intonation Strike: Individuals can generate an intonation strike purposefully, as their primary means of offense, as opposed to as part of a critical hit.
OOOOO1 - Intonation Control: Individuals have full control of their intonation, and, can use points in willpower to augment their offense and defense. 2 - Specified Origin Perception: Individuals with this power can identify another person's ability, with additional study through Sagesight alone.
OOOOO O1 - Intonation weaponry: Individuals can generate weapons out of their resonant energy with which they are proficient in order to implement their Intonation attacks. 2 - CounterResonate: Individuals can use their intonation to override the intonation of others, sealing off their abilities so long as they maintain the resonance effect.
OOOOO OO1 - Locus-song: Intonaton resonance interference now affects those who have displaced themselves in ways that would normally prevent it, such as through spatial or temporal distortions. 2 - Song of Defiance: Intonation can defend against majyk directly targeting the wielder, thus no longer requiring a dodge roll.
OOOOO OOO1 - Foci purification: Through concentrating ones Intonation, an individual can quickly turn a Foci of choice into a Catalym tied to themselves. 2 - Intonation Mimicry: The wielder of this power can mimic the intonation of others, allowing them to control Catalym tied to others for set periods of time.
OOOOO OOOO1 - Words of the World: Intonation now can enter spoken commands, with the world responding in kind. This expends a lot of energy, resulting in permanent adjustments to existing phenomena.


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