Entuorbis (En-too-orb-iss)

The Universal Projeny


Entuorbis are Elemental creatures of pure energy, the only such beings in all the Celestient universe. The World Tree, the Celestient herself, Zryalge, is the mother and progenitor of all members of this species and the Great Cos'm upon which they all hang. She is the Mothertree, and on her boughs are her Fruits, the Worlds in which all physical beings live. From the flat disk which functions as the core seed of the world, their earth, grow the WorldSpirits, Entuorbis who provide light and regulate the structure and climate of each world. In coordination with that, their children, the Dragontrees, oversee various areas of the world, generally hidden from plain view, as they make sure the physical world works according to the desired specifications.   Entuorbis, being the most important elements of the Celestient universe are the most visible and the most hidden, for all are sentient, aware of the goings on in their world, but rarely have humans interacted with them directly.

Basic Information


Entuorbis, from the lowliest Entyc Sapling to the Universal Tree Azryalignum herself, are all creatures made up of unknown mixtures of the 4 primordial energies. As such, they can take on many forms, but generally preferring to reveal themselves as one of 3 general forms: Their Tree form, their Ent-Dragon form and their Dryadic form. The Dryadic form in particular can manifest as an offshoot of the Tree and/or Ent Dragon form as needed, and can function as their eyes and ears on the ground, but the Ent-Dragon form and other forms remain tied to the main body of the Entuorbis when it comes to those of Dragontree level and lower.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Entuorbis reproduce asexually, with Azryalignum herself bearing the fruits that are every world on her boughs, the fruits bearing her children (the WorldSpirits), and her children scattering their children (the Dragontrees) across the world. The Dragontrees, however, rarely bear fruit, as it requires a great deal of effort and energy to do so, and leaves them vulnerable. When they are able to do so, however, the seeds of the fruit they bear can grow to Ent-Items of great power known as Entyc Saplings. They can also encapsulate their 'essence' into seeds, which can be replanted at a different location. When that happens, the 'shell' (their old body) dissipates and the seed regrows rapidly into a dragontree rooted at their new location.

Growth Rate & Stages

While it took an indeterminate amount of time for Azryalignum herself to grow (time was nonexistent then), the Worldspirits all awakened over the course of the initial millennia, starting with the oldest, Nayfa. Their only two stages were "dormant" and awakened, and from almost the beginning they were all dormant save for Nayfa, and woke up slowly over the first thousand years. Dragontrees, by contrast, take only a years worth of time, once the initial seed is planted, to grow into a full fledged tree and awaken to their full selves, sharing their knowledge with their Worldspirit parents. The same is true for their offspring, the Entyc Saplings, which, once birthed as a seed, rapidly grow into their full-fledged forms, linked to their parents and sharing their knowledge.

Ecology and Habitats

Each WorldSpirit dictates the habitats of their world , coordinating with Issyls (Living Earth elemental beings) to manage the air and water currents. These coordinations are further maintained and overseen by the Dragontrees.

Biological Cycle

For the Entuorbis, they are the markers of the passage of time, rather than being affected by it. The Dragontrees, along with the WorldSpirit, sing a great Song of Renewal every year at the point where Winter ends and Spring truly begins, rejuvenating the earth itself, empowering all life to grow anew in the spring, and marking the end of one year and the beginning of the next.   For the WorldSpirits, their tree-structured bodies (Celestial Tree) provide light for one side of the world, coordinating with their mother Azryalignum, whose boughs touch the other side. Within themselves, their light is concentrated in a collection of energy known as Suls, which rises up through their trunk, and creating offshoots that light up each of their 10 branches known as Sulats. The lighting of the branches is used to tell time during the day. At night, the light from the Sul darkens, becoming pale as it performs a primordial conversion of the encroaching darkness into diffuses of pale light known as Astrals, fading the branches as it returns to below the horizon and renewing itself once more.   Azryalignum, for her part, infuses the worlds once every century, causing all her boughs and children to flower, and promoting the creation of more dragontrees across the worlds. During the flowering, all flower offshoots become portals, capable of transporting people and creatures across worlds as desired.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As energy beings, Entuorbis are able to perceive both the higher (Spiritual) and lower (Material) planes of existence. Though they are subservient to the spiritual, they can still converse with them despite the fallen state of the world, and observe their actions. As such those who are granted permission to observe their memories can also gain a peek into the goings on of the spiritual realm, though simplified enough for the mortal mind to somewhat comprehend their actions.
Genetic Descendants
Divine Creation and Projeny of the Universe Tree

Articles under Entuorbis


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