Demeton - Force of Space and the Fabric


"Demeton is the essential force through which distance is established, and through which we understand distinction. It prevents two or more things from occupying the same space. It is, at the end of the day, the fabric that separates and binds us all together in this world." - Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Demetion represents the force that makes up the fabric of space in the Celestient Universe. To manipulate this force is to reweave such a fabric and pattern into ones own choosing, and doing so was therefore associated with much of the terminology associated with Aspectral power in the first place. As such, Demeton has many uses both in terms of utility and in terms of transportation, with it readily being used as technology advances on the many worlds of the Tree.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Dimeton

The Law of Surreality - Reference to Anastoloci

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Dimeton Sense: The player is able to sense the exact distance between themselves and other objects, as well as sense any spatial distortions. 2 - Dimensional Link: The player is able to sense if Foci are attuned and linked together, even across vast distances, as well as be able to determine the approximate destination of any portal. This sense becomes stronger with more points in this sphere.
OODistance Bending: The player is able to manipulate the distance between themselves and objects/persons within their line of sight. This allows them to pull or push items to themselves with their own spatial coordinates as the anchor.
OOO1 - Spatial Retrieval: The player is able to transport, store, or retrieve objects instantaneously to themselves through spatial manipulation. This can extend to creatures and themselves as well, with a difficulty that reduces with further points in this sphere. 2 - Dimensional Awareness: The player is aware of sub-realms and the realms of Anastoloci, also known as the Realm of Abeyance
OOOOSlipstream Bending: The player is able to create slipstreams between two spatial points which allow for quick traversal. By bending slipstreams defensively, the player can also forcibly redirect attacks aimed at him or his allies.
OOOOOWarp Shaping: The player can warp space into simple shapes to attack with, which can disrupt the opponent's location spatially, disorienting and damaging them.
OOOOO OSpatial Anchoring: The player is able to lock themselves or an opponent attacked with warp shaping or distance bending to their spatial coordinates, preventing displacement by any means. This makes them immune to opponent spatial manipulations outside of the realm of Majyk.
OOOOO OODistance Control: The player can completely manipulate their spatial coordinates, allowing for perfectly controlled flight. (Note, this is possible at earlier Sphere levels when combined with points in Movero.
OOOOO OOODimensional Tearing: The player can tear through the fabric of space, creating portals between locations. (Note: This is achievable at lower sphere levels with points in Tempus)
OOOOO OOOOSpatial Locking: This allows the player to manipulate a space to prevent escape through both conventional and spatial manipulation means.
OOOOO OOOOORefined Spatial warping: This allows the player to alter the shape of physical objects through spatial separation and manipulation. This can also be used to heavily damage enemies.


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