Derivatis/Stricturis (Derry-vatis / Strict-eris)

Derivatis and Stricturis are names that describe the use of elemental power to create or recreate a specific phenomenon. In specific, this relates to the use of elemental power that is limited in specific elements of its function, such as the creation/manipulation of thunderstorms, or the ability to mimic attacks that have been seen by the user. This usually involves infusing the Celestial Imprint that is the core of their power with information related to the phenomenon seen, or desired, and releasing the necessary elemental forces required to create or recreate that phenomenon. With skill and fine control, a partial recreation of the whole phenomenon, or an unusual elemental infusion within that phenomenon is possible.   An example of the Derivatis paradigm involves the recreation of thunderstorms using Aspectral power. With fine control, the various properties of a Thunderstorm (Precipitation, Lightning generation, Strong Winds) can be parsed and brought forth as separate phenomenon under the control of the user.   An example of the Stricturis paradigm involves the recreation of the action of cutting. Using this phenomenon can cause one to slice objects. However, through the imagined infusion of heat into the cutting action, one can recreate the action of being cut by a heated blade. This can also be used to achieve said action through the use of surrounding elements, such as Air, Water, Crystal, etc.   In relation to the Celestial Sphere increasing points in that sphere represent the following:
  • Derivatis: Reduction in difficulty when parsing recreated phenomena
  • Stricturis: Reduction in difficulty in infusing multiple phenomena in the singular phenomena
Metaphysical, Psychic


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