Homebrew Roleplay Rules - Sage Enlightenment


The Sagecraft system is designed to be an alternative system to the general combat system employed in Mage the Ascension, specifically for the purposes of playing tabletop games set in the Celestient Universe. As such, while core stats and mechanics may remain the same, new terms and resources are available to the player to allow for great flexibility in builds, and even encourages the creation of homebrewed spells and martial techniques developed under this system. This page will serve as the central hub for this information.  

Introduction of Terms

Below is an introduction to all the terms that will be used to further explain the rules of using the Sagecraft System, divided into different groups for greater clarity:   BACKGROUND
  • Ethnic Background/Birthright - In the Celestiant Universe, the powers one gain is considered a birthright, and is often tied to lineage and reinforced with proximity to an energy-infused natural resource. As such, ones ethnicity (as multiple ethnic groups can exist within one nation/kingdom) is usually the driving basis behind ones potential Aspect Power and also influences the enhanced development (or lack thereof) of particular skills and stats.
  • Races - While the fundamental structure of all people in the Celestient universe is the same (collective Humanity, or Maphra ["Man given power"]), the various Aspectral Powers alter their appearance to varying degrees, resulting in different humans being categorized into different racial groups. These racial groups do tend to have advantages in either the physical (Strength/Dexterity/Stamina) or mental (Perception/Intelligence/Wits) stats, as their powers enhance their ability to process information or their physical attributes.
  • Capacitance - A representation of the characters prowess in the realm of absorbing and releasing energy, Capacitance influences their Depth of power (how much they can exert their control through their powers) as well as their Breadth of power (how skillful they are at wielding their powers). Capacitance also has additional influence in terms of character and gameplay capabilities, and the difficulty that one undergoes when attempting any action. This meter adds or reduces difficulty for the player based on their Capacitance scale.
  • Spheres of the Elements - The spheres are in-game representations of the forces and materials of the universe, as well as the Universal sphere, which has ties to player's senses of all of the forces. The Spheres give the players an overarching understanding of how they can wield their powers.
  • Aspectral Power - Dictates for the player which Spheres of the Elements they have access to and the limitations on their usage.
  • Celestial Core - Celestial Cores represent elements of ones Celestial Aspect (A character's Power and its many manifestations) and their Martial Prowess (their skill at wielding weapons and their training in said weapons). These Cores available to player characters are tied directly to two game elements: their Aspectral Power and their Class. Thus, under the overall category of Celestial Core there are two sub-categories: Martial Cores, which represent a characters Martial Prowess, and Aspect Cores, which are tied to their Celestial Aspect. Said Cores provide players with information that helps in creatively planning their battle actions related to both their powers and abilities. They also provide the minimum attunement to the elements needed to create the effect without incurring a penalty.
  • Intonation - This number represents the power that infuses their attack or effect, aiding their success or lack thereof in manifesting and wielding their powers.
  • Retain - Retain is an action that player characters perform to activate and maintain certain abilities which may or may not be used in battle. To perform a Retaining action, players must succeed at a Stamina + Concentration roll at half the complexity of the action attempted Using Retain to maintain reduces the players current willpower by 1, and extends the duration of the ability by 2 rounds per point in associated class skills if applicable (minimum 4). This point of Willpower is restored when the ability maintained by the is dismissed, but the effect will be dismissed if the player character takes damage to their mental fortitude that would reduce willpower while the effect is ongoing, resulting in a lost ability and point of willpower..
  • Action Points (AP) - Action points, or AP, are a resource that all playable characters have, limited to a maximum of 5 by default at 5 Class levels, which players use to reduce the penalty of multi-actions and effects down to the scaling penalty when doing the following:
  • - Performing a power based action in a multi-action sequence, even outside of combat (-2 AP)
  • - Performing a Class Related Martial or Power form in combat (-1 AP if selected, -3AP if unselected) for additional benefits
  • - Performing an attack as part of a multi-attack action without the penalty for one or more attacks (-1AP per attack applied)
  • - Performing a second or more Reactive or Proactive Action (see below) in combat to defend against an attack (-1AP per, +1 per additional action attempted, +1 MP per Reactive/Proactive action)
  • - Performing a Pattern Sequence, A series of class related martial/multi-attack or power techniques, or Threads, that have been at least partially Mastered. EXP gained can be put towards the generation of Threads as explained below. -1AP per un-mastered Thread in a Pattern Sequence
  • Single Strike - Term for a Weapon attack that that makes creative usage of a Class Sphere maneuver or a Class Sphere combined with one or more Spheres of the Elements. Restores 1 AP on successful strike.
  • Single Art - Term for a Aspectral Power based ability that draws from one or more Spheres of the elements. Players can choose to use 1 AP, Restores 1 AP on successful hit.
  • Thread Actions - Term for the above actions that have EXP or Ambiance points used to weave these actions into internal memory, making them able to be used more easily.
  • Pattern Sequences - Term used for Thread Actions that the player is capable of doing performed in sequence. These specialized multi-action attacks always cost at least 2 AP to activate, and the player cannot regain AP by any means during the turn that this is executed unless at least 1 of those actions is fully mastered. By spending Additional AP, an additional Thread Action can be initiated as part of this system.
  • Technique - Term for a Single Strike that involves both attack and limited movement as part of a single action. Falls under the Forms list selected under class skills.
  • Granstrike - Term used for a Single Strike Action that requires that the player land an attack at a penalty. If they succeed at doing so, the player can also hit units within a specified area (always originating within Close Range) and move as part of the action. This enhances the potency of any associated class maneuver forms players associate with this attack.
  • Focused Art - A term used for a Single Art that involves the usage of Aspectral power of sufficient complexity that it costs more than one AP when not converted into a Thread Action.
  • Channeled Art - A term used for a Sagecraft Action that requires for the character to sacrifice their current turn to apply the effects of the Art on the following turn. This automatically enhances the effects, reducing the difficulty in exchange for the sacrifice of AP and their turn.
  • Close - 20ft +5 every two levels.
  • Medium - 70ft + 10 every two levels.
  • Long - 120ft + 20 every level.
  • Extensive - 400 + 40 every level

Energy and Physical Damage types

In this new system there are changes made to the 4 energy damage types, an additional physical damage type added, as well as varying additional damage types.

Precision Damage and Temp HP

Temporary HP is used much more often as part of the Sagecraft system as character damage capabilities are heightened in this system. Additionally its usage and rules are changed overall and under two separate categories of Temporary HP: Barrier HP or Ichor HP.   Universal Temp HP rules
  • Barrier/Ichor HP is tied to Aspect or Power based effects. Unless those effects are related to weapon or item enchantments or effects that are maintained by upkeep or concentration, once the effect's duration ends, the Temporary HP is removed.
  • Precision Damage and effects such as poison, bleed, or other damage over time effects bypass Temporary HP in its entirety.
  • Piercing and Visceral damage deals half damage to Temp HP and Half damage to full HP (the latter subject to the unit's Damage Reduction)
  • Primordial, Void and Divine energy Damage bypasses Temp HP entirely. Flux damage does double damage against Temp HP
  • Any attack that has riders which bypasses Temp HP can pass those riders to the target.
  • Ichoric and Barrier HP do not stack.
Barrier HP rules
  • Barrier HP stacks with itself, but the combined Temp cannot exceed 6 without additional class or Aspect related abilities.
  • In emergency situations, the player can sacrifice 2 Maintain, 2 Willpower and 2 AP in order to completely refresh their generated Barrier HP to full.
  • Barrier HP equals to 1 per refinement level of the barrier generating object, up to 6
  • Barrier HP adds to player's Soak number. reducing by 1 per absorbed attack until depleted unless refreshed. Once depleted the player must use two maintain and Ambiance points equal to half the refinement level of the object (rounded up) to immediately regenerate the barrier. Otherwise they must wait half the refinement number of rounds (minimum 1) to regenerate their Barrier
Ichor HP rules
  • Ichoric HP regenerates at a rate of 1 per turn until depleted, after which it takes 3 turns to regenerate to full.
  • The HP of the unit who has Ichoric HP is divided among the "Eyes" that make it up (if it is a monstrous creature). Each Eye has a health threshold of 1-4 at most. The HP must be the sum of all of the eyes that make up the creature.
  • Ichoric HP maximum is always at 6.
Changes to Precision Damage
  • Sneak Attacks and its equivalents have the entire attack treated as Precision damage for the purposes of bypassing Temporary HP.
  • Precision Damage bypasses all relevant resistances when it penetrates Temporary HP so long as the target unit is not acting defensively.

Physical Damage Types

  • Slashing Damage
  • Bludgeoning Damage
  • Piercing Damage
  • Visceral Damage - Represents damage that is meant to deal internal damage. Usually describes a specialized form of attack, unarmed strike, etc. Functions similarly to Sonic Damage

Energy Damage Types

  • Visual Damage: Damage from Light Energy, Dark Energy and Illusion Energy
  • Conceptual Damage: Damage from Gravity Energy, Potential Energy, or Spatial Energy
  • Natural Damage: Damage from Temporal Energy, Fire Energy (Heat/Cold), and Lightning Energy
  • Vital Damage: Damage from Concussive Energy, Life/Acid Energy, or Collision movement
  • Primordial Energy: Damage from fundamental universal forces (Structure, Balance, Flow, Destiny). Very Rare

Other Damage Types

  • Flux Damage - Damage from Flux is treated as both a physical and an energy damage simultaneously. If both damage types are resisted, the resistances add together, however, if only one type is resisted, it does not count towards a reduction of damage. Does double damage to Temp HP
  • Sacred Damage - Damage from sacred sources. Deals max damage against wielders of Magic (as opposed to Sagecraft)
  • Void Damage - Damage from void sources. Deals max damage against wielders of Sagecraft (as opposed to Magic)

Choosing Aspect Primordial Alignment

  All players have a primordial alignment, with 3 common ones and one rare one. The names of the Alignments are:
  • Elent - Dealing with Elmentai, the structure of things. Those with this alignment have a structured approach to using their powers.
  • Myste - Dealing with Mysterai, the adaptation and balance of things. Those with this alignment tend to be flexible in their responses to changing situations.
  • Flou - Dealing with Flouva, the flow of things. Those with this alignment tend to have time consuming but potent powers.
  • Destin - Dealing Destinua, the fate of things. Those with this alignment have a restriction in their powers that allow for greater potency elsewhere, even rendering capable from an entire set of abilities they would have by default.
These abilities can be chosen, or rolled for, at the GM's discretion. The rules for rolling are as such:
  • Less than 50 = Most common alignment
  • Greater than 50, less than 85 = Flip a coin and choose which side represents the two different, less common alignments
  • Greater than 85 = Rarest alignment

Articles under Homebrew Roleplay Rules - Sage Enlightenment


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