
The Actualization of Aspectral power


Intonation is the phenomenon associated with the use of Aspectral Power in the Celestient Universe. Through the use of sub-atomic frequencies, living beings can command the energy within themselves to be released and directed in forms limited by their Celestial Aspect. Intonation is the primary method of control for one's own Aspect, as well as the main method of activating the "Free Filaments" contained within Foci.  


All things in the world contain energy, and all physical beings have a frequency that they vibrate at. This is one of the core principles of the world. From this principle it is theorized that through certain frequencies (Usually described as a "song" that is felt rather than heard) which vibrate at the sub-atomic level, the patterns within are commanded to absorb and release energy in the various forms ascribed to it, as determined and implemented by the specific Celestial Cores associated with their Celestial Imprint. Later, through observations of particularly perceptive individuals and specialized machinery, it was confirmed that this releases energy in a primordial state, with the act of Shaping quickly converting it into other forms. This also applies when Intonation is used, often through tactile connection, to control the energy flows within Foci, activating them through commands to release their energy. It is therefore generally accepted thought that Intonation is the Celestial Cores .  

Intonation Reflex/Counter-Tone

When a Psi-Bound Celestial Tapestry senses the usage of Aspectral power within its 'bounds' (aka the body in which it inhabits) through Intonation, an automatic Counter-Intonation or Counter-Tone is released. This instantly disrupts the Intonation use of the other frequency through a discord created by the two tones. This staggers the other Psi-Bound user, and may even cause bouts of dizzying nausea if they have more than one Node.  

Intonation Strikes

Because Intonation is the main method by which power is released, absorbed and controlled in the Celestient universe, the sub-atomic frequencies that form the basis for this control can also form a sort of resonance with the energy being controlled. Under the right circumstances, Intonation can generate potential energies (Poteton) within a larger attack, corresponding in an additional burst of energy called an Intonation Strike. This energy can be sensed ahead of time and formed/fashioned by the one who triggered it, resulting in variations of the resulting burst's appearance and effects.  

Intonation Control

A rare and exceedingly difficult ability related to Intonation is Intonation Control, an ability gained primarily by ArcSages, Sage-Level Forsaken, and those with specific and rare abilities. Intonation Control involves the full use of all Celestial Cores to generate enough Intonation to itself be used as a weapon or shield, allowing oneself to protect against attacks or forcibly stop the use of abilities as necessary. With enough practice, Intonation Control can allow someone to Seal someone's abilities temporarily, as well as use ambient energies to overcharge their abilities, bringing them to new heights of power.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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