Kizeithai Thesha (key-say-THAI THEI-sha)


Kizeithai Thesha a combat class developed by the Nyraku-Ai as part of one's formal training to be a Warrior, or Thesha. Among the various sub-categories of warrior, Kizeithai Thesha denotes warriors who are dedicated towards mastering the card (Cittra) and Dagger (Kizeth [Key-ZETH]). High level warriors of this kind often are designated Warriors of the Sands, or Thesha-Salhasi. A fully trained Thesha in this category is a formidable opponent that keeps their opponents on their toes at all times. Of these warriors, the Kizeithai Thesha, and especially Kizeitha Thesha-Salhasi are the most adept at subterfuge, capable of massively disorienting their opponents with their fighting styles and power potential. Despite the fact that it requires a great deal of focus and skill to pull off, when done, Warriors of this class can become terrifying in their potency.

General Martial Forms

  Seisha-Salhasi Kizeth (Hidden Sands Dagger) - This form uses Cittra as methods of maneuverability in battle, focusing purely on movement and disorientation and making the dagger the focus off offensive power, both in terms of energy release and martial combat. Pure Agility Focus.   Salweht-Kiz Kizeth (Cast-Knife Dagger) - This martial form uses multiple throwing daggers, and a main dagger on top of their Cittra in order to attack enemies from unforeseen angles that keep opponents on their toes. Additionally, they are much more proficient in dealing with multiple opponents at once with their flying daggers. Ordynence-Agility focused   Ukjor-Salhasi Kizeth (Quicksand Dagger) - This martial form focuses on using cittra to manipulate the physical environment around them

Unique Martial Forms

  Bajat-Cittra Kizeth (Card Mirage Dagger) - This martial form focuses on using Cittra as a method of spatially shifting their location. By keeping a Cittra nearby at all times and in various directions, they use their powers to 'pull' themselves in that direction. This creates a surprising and disorienting level of maneuverability that makes accounts of its practice difficult to believe. Skirmish-Agility Focused   Parat-Sul Kizeth (Shadowed Sun Dagger) - This form uses light absorbed by the Cittra to mask the movements of the user, making them difficult to track and highly dangerous as they use the absorbed light to disorient and blind opponents. They also can project limited light constructs as forms of defense. Agility-Control Focused.

Irregular Martial Forms

  Kush-Kiseth-Ittesha (Dance of Dagger and Spear) - With exposure to and development of their own variation of the extendable spears of the Arauk Kingdom, the Nyraku Ai have further developed a mixture of forms involving the spear combined with their dagger skills and Cittra, resulting in a powerful and difficult style of martial arts. While this limits the number of Cittra that can be used at one time to 4 at maximum, they use all their assets to maximum effect, both offensively and defensively, including manipulation of energy. Agility Skirmish Focused.
Class Categories Agility Focused   Class Specialization Using Cittra as a transference member of converting defense into offense and vice versa through elemental control   Associated Nations/Peoples Nyraku-Ai   General Societal Role Guardians, Assassins, Spys   Usual Aspectral Power Aspect of Dimensional Storage


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