Aspect of Dimensional Storage

The power to make matter contain a pocket dimension

Base Abilities

Those who have this Celestial Aspect have the core ability to create small pocket dimensions, linked to regular space through a material medium of their choosing. While in most circumstances this simply makes it easier to store objects, applying this principle to objects like Catalymic Foci results in a limited ability to fly, as well as release stored material and energy elements as a defense mechanism. Wielders of this power can apply their pocket dimension abilities to any object at any time within their vicinity, but this process normally takes a few seconds under most circumstances, making it easier to prepare such items in advance.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Liminal Spatial Awareness (Dimeton O) - The ability to be aware of what is within a pocket dimension, as well as be aware of what is going on outside of the pocket dimension when in it. This power additionally extends to other realms and Domains. This also increases the ease at which the character can enter and exit their pocket dimension. The player can roll their dexterity against a difficulty 10 (-1 per point in their Celestial Imprint) to escape into a pocket dimension that they have attached to an object in close proximity, even in motion.

Outer Manifestation

While being usually rather lithe (as the vast majority of those with this power are Eldin ) the most notable features of those with this power is the fact that the air around their bodies are constantly shimmering, like a heat haze, even though they are not unusually hot.  

Node Locations

As with most Eldin, those who possess this Aspect have their main node in the brain, specifically the front-most part of the brain. However, unusual for most Eldin, they also have sub-nodes at the back of both hands, making it easier for them to use their abilities along with martial abilities. When they are Hyuman , the noes are more prominently in both hands and somewhere on their chest.  

All Cores

The Cores for all Forms of this Aspect are as follows (with an emphasis on one or more):
  • Pocket Dimension Creation

    Pocket Dimension Creation

    Pocket Dimension Creation
    This Core represents the creation of pocket dimensions. As a rule, the number of pocket dimensions that can be created at once without a difficulty penalty is equal to one's Intonation number. These can be created and maintained without difficulty or the expenditure of resources. The creation of additional pocket dimensions past this cap requires -1 Max Maintain Points and requires succeeding on a difficulty of 7, +1 for each additional pocket dimension.
    Core Requirements
    Demeton (OO)
    Core Type
  • Dimensional Anchoring/Detach

    Dimensional Anchoring/Detachment

    Dimensional Anchoring/Detachment
    This Core represents the connection of pocket dimensions through the medium of a material space, designated as an "Anchor". The process of anchoring a pocket dimension requires an object of choice and a generated pocket dimension. The difficulty is higher depending on the state of the object. Solid objects have a default difficulty (6) with liquids and gasses being harder by a significant margin (+1 and +3 respectively). This difficulty is reduced as the player advances in their control over the Demeton sphere.
    Core Requirements
    Demeton (OO)
    Core Type
  • Dimension Transference/Linking

    Dimension Transference/Linking

    Dimension Transference/Linking
    The Core represents the linking of pocket dimensions to other pocket dimensions, as well as transferring materials and objects between them. While the process of linking pocket dimensions to each other may take a short period of time, transferring of materials is nigh-instantaneous, and requires only a single point of maintain per object or element transferred. Transference can only occur between linked pocket dimensions.
    Core Requirements
    Demeton (OOO)
    Core Type
  • Dimensional Absorption/Release

    Dimensional Absorption/Release

    Dimensional Absorption/Release
    This Core represents the absorption or release of material into and out of a pocket dimension. The amount absorbed and released are highly dependent on the player's Intonation points, as well as their Capacitance. High Capacitance individuals can absorb and release larger amounts of energy or material within their pocket dimension, but have difficulty controlling the energy before or after it is released. Low Capacitance, High Control individuals can control the energy very well, and even reshape it to some degree, but have difficulty absorbing large amounts of it.
    Core Requirements
    Demeton (OO), Celestial (OOO)
    Core Type

Elent Form & Abilities

  Elent aligned wielders of this power are called Formers, and they generally have free-floating pocket dimension spaces around them at all times. For them, attaching and detaching pocket dimensions is not as difficult as creating them in the first place, and those who have reached sage-hood in the art are able to anchor their pocket dimensions on the air itself, forming gates which they can use to freely "banish" themselves and others.  
  • Pocket Dimension Creation Difficulty +2
  • Pocket Dimension Anchoring/Detach Difficulty -2

Myst Form & Abilities

  Myst aligned wielders of this power are called Shifters, and for them, the creation and linking of pocket dimensions one to another is an easy task. Detaching or attaching pocket dimensions is more time consuming as a result, and therefore they prefer to simply attach pocket dimensions to objects in perpetuity. They tend to have a large number of such objects on them at all times.
  • Pocket Dimension Creation/Linking/Transference Difficulty -2
  • Pocket Dimension Anchoring/Detach Difficulty +2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Flou aligned wielders of this power are called Graspers. For them, the absorption and release of the elements is easy for them. They are capable of storing much more within their pocket dimensions than most of the other forms, and thereby are able to most easily take and use opponent's attacks against them. For this reason, they tend to have fewer objects with more potent and large pocket dimensions connected to them.
  • Pocket Dimension Creation Difficulty +3, Capacity related Difficulty - 2
  • Pocket Dimension Absorption/Release requirements reduced (Dimeton OO, Celestial O)

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Fatu aligned wielders of this power are called Touchers. Rarely found among wielders of this power, they have the ability to create pocket dimensions off of any physical surface, so long as they have touched them, and link them to others quickly and easily. However, they cannot create free-floating pocket dimensions, or detach those that they create, making them limited in the scope of what they can do compared to others. For this reason, they often hold a series of 'empty' objects from which they can quickly create spaces as needed. The objects they create pocket dimensions off of more rapidly become Catalymic Foci as well.
  • Pocket Dimension Creation Difficulty reduced to Null, requires physical touch.
  • Pocket Dimension Linking/Transference Difficulty -3
  • Cannot create free-floating pocket dimensions and therefore cannot hide them, banish them or anchor them to non-solid surfaces. Anchoring/Detaching is completely nullified, as created Pocket Dimensions are automatically Anchored and cannot be detached.
Paragonic Origin Paragon - Anja Nyraku   Control Schema Proximus (Dimeton) - Control of all energies through Spatial Manipulation   Associated Nations/Peoples Nyraku-Ai Nomads    Associated Racial Categories Hyumaphra Ao'Maphra Lacrimaphra   Mastery Focus Sagecraft Leaning   Associated Elements Demeton - Force of Space and the Fabric


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