Majyk Sphere


"There are those who dwell within the void. Beings of unimaginable power. We see their work in the world and marvel at the destruction they've wrought. We see them in the dark of night, beyond the light of the Astrals, gazing back at us from the depths beyond the edges of the world. We see them and we accept their gifts, for in doing so all restrictions are gone, all rules are broken and the world is laid bare before us." - M'gantr Enkantr, Founder of the Ancient Order of the Opaledict and First of the Astralogers
  Majik is the power to break the rules . It is the power to take more than you give, to curse and twist beyond recognition, to make the world your oyster, your plaything. It is to seek power beyond the natural path given to each and every man, woman and child, and to harness the very essence of the Void made manifest: The Void Ichor.   The Majyk sphere represents all that Majyk encompasses. But Majyk comes at the cost. For to gain such power, your lose your gifts, your humanity, and even your soul to the cause of the Void.

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Majyk

Reference to The Laws of Natural Power
Magical Paradigms

  • Khoral - Usage of majyk through vocal song or chanting. Shields the Maje-singer for each voice singing/chanting

  • Signeal - Usage of majyk through gestures and/or hand signals. Each gesture/hand signal further directs the majyk, and the initial hand gesture generates the shield.

  • Syjeal - Usage of majyk through a combination of one or more visible symbols of majykal power representing the physical and/or material elements, and/or the Voidal factors.

  • Thaleal - Usage of the written word and/or symbols specifically inscribed on objects to create majykal talismans and magic objects. The talismans themselves fuel the shield, and must be destroyed in order for the Talismage's Shield to be broken.

  • Ichoreal - Using the 'Blood of the Gods' (Ichor) to fuel powerful magic. The Majyk shield is around the Ichormaje and the Ichor pool itself. The shield around the ichor-pool must be destroyed for the maje's shield to be destroyed as well.

  • Rytual - Requires the usage of one or more of the above types of majyk simultaneously. Difficult to stop, but takes a very long time and causes massive feedback on the maje/majes involved if disrupted.


Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Dark Reflection: Wielders of Majyk can imitate any non Flux and non Primordial power that requires the same number of spheres to generate, in addition to the powers disclosed here, within the paradigm given by the type of majyk that exists. 2 - Rule Breaker: The wielder of Majyk can also break any of the Laws of Natural power as disclosed above. However, in exchange for this, the player must subtract 1 point in every sphere they would normally access to for every additional spheres in Majyk. This does not apply when said other spheres are at 0.
OOIn the Name of Majyk: Wielders of Majyk can harness the protection of their Dark Sources. For each spell level of the spell cast, the player gains a Ward of Protection that must be destroyed before they take direct damage. If they take direct damage and are unable to continue concentrating on the spell, the spell will backfire.
OOOThe Third Circle: Wielders of Majyk are able to harness Third level Majyk, which can create impossible buffs and debuffs that break the known laws when fully activated.
OOOOIchoric Touch: Wielders of Majyk are able to use Ichor as an amplifier for their spells. As Amplifiers, they can allow the caster to branch out into other forms of majyk, so long as they have an Ichoric source.
OOOOOWhispering Familiar: Wielders of Majyk gain a Wraithborne familiar, who maintains a telepathic link to them, working with them to further strengthen the potency and efficiency of their Majyk. If the caster is a Wraithborn themselves, this makes the dominance of the DarkEye more powerful, allowing them to use their Ichor as a shield instead of relying on their internal healing factor.
OOOOO OThe Sixth Circle: Wielders of Majyk are able to wield up to Sixth level Majyk, which allows them to perform a summoning. The summoned creature is unkillable without the caster being killed.
OOOOO OOThe Ichor Root: Wielders of Majyk are able to wield all forms of Majyk independently, so long as they can find a source of Void Ichor. Their familiar can also produce minor amounts of Void Ichor daily if well fed.
OOOOO OOORytualist Familiar: The player's Majyk familiar is able to teach them the ways of Ryuals, combining elements of multiple spell types to perform more powerful spells. The stored up Ichor that fuels such Rytuals will also take some of the backlash that the caster would normally take, allowing them to perform these spells without fear of immediate death upon its failure.
OOOOO OOOOThe Ninth Circle: Wielders of Majyk are able to wield up to the Ninth level of Majyk, making them capable of Dark Miracles such as bestowing Dark Blessings (Lycanthrope, Vampyrism, etc), Necromancy, and Physical Transformation of living creatures.
OOOOO OOOOOApotheosis: The Maje is now permanently bonded with their Majyk familiar, granting them vast powers and Ascending to become an Apotheon. If the caster is a Wraithborn or Forsaken Animal, they instead become an Eldritch Abomination.


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