The Laws of Natural Power

The Seven Laws of the Aspects


The Seven Laws are seven, key principle elements of Aspectral power that are innate to all their uses. They are formed from a central principle: A Psi-bound Celestial Tapestry cannot directly affect another through the use of power. Since the tapestries are firmly connected to the framework of a living being, this limits what can be done directly to attack others with their powers.   Below are the 7 laws described in further detail.  

The Law of Celestial Integrity

"No Aspectral Power borne out of oneself can directly affect the body of another."
In practice, this law prevents the direct use of power against the "integrity" or structure of another's body. So long as the framework of a Celestial Tapestry is connected to a mind who is consciously or sub-consciously aware of such an attack, such an attack is immediately countered against through the use of a Counter-Intonation, a disruptive, focused sub-atomic resonance that immediately stops the use of power against them.  

The Law of Self-Integrity

"No Aspectral Power can directly alter ones integral nature of being."
    Along the same vein as the Law of Celestial Integrity, Aspectral power cannot be used to alter the integrity or structure of the body it is connected to. This essentially is along the lines of one having an innate mental block preventing the use of power upon oneself in ways that pertain to shifting its true appearance and structure. This does not mean that the Aspectral power cannot subsume and replace said structure, but rather that such integrations do not alter the overall basic structure of the body. If the Aspectral Power converts ones' arms into energy (see Aspect of Force Arms) those arms will have the original form of the body's regular arms. In cases where one's integral elements can be dispersed, as is the case under the Aspect of Obscurity , the aspect renders the essential primordial form as an energy imprint, allowing for full integrity to be restored without changes to the original form.  

The Law of Abiogenesis

"No Aspectral Power can create life."
Because of the complex nature of organic creatures, and the mysterious nature of life itself, Aspectral power cannot create life. Certain Aspects can use energy or material to create the illusion of life through the use of their power, but these are mere illusions, puppets under their control that do not usually 'live on' beyond their creator's broken concentration, much less their death. As such, the creation of a living being through such powers is impossible.  

The Law of Necrosis

"No Aspectral Power can revive the dead."
While there are many Aspects which allow for control over Vivo, the force of Life, such power is limited to the enhancement, growth, healing, and sometimes destabilization of the sustaining energy of the living. Application of this force to those who have died, even just recently, merely encourages the microbial decomposition process, rather than reviving them. Therefore, the use of Aspectral powers cannot be used to revive the dead.  

The Law of Self-Sufficiency

"No Aspectral Power requires for its execution the vitality, life, or Tapestry of another living being."
Aspectral Powers are all self-sufficient and self-sustained. Even those focused around the mimicry of other Aspects are, at the end of the day, self-determined, and do not require the Tapestry of another to execute their own abilities. Thus, the use of outside material in the execution of power is one of the surest signs that such power is unnatural.  

The Law of Opposing Paths

"The Paths of Sagehood and Magehood are opposed. To take one is to reject the other."
Sagehood requires a great and concerted effort towards mastery over ones own Aspect and the abilities that come from it. To seek magic is to reject the effort necessary to master one's powers. Therefore, unless one is fully possessed by a dark entity and therefore not in control of their own body, one who practices Magick cannot achieve mastery over their power, and a Sage cannot use magick.  

The Law of Celestial Degradation

"A void within does not in itself destroy one's Tapestry. Magic does."
Along the same vein as the Law of Opposing Paths, this law represents how the use of magic degrades the use of one's own power by deliberately allowing a higher entity to access the energy of your Celestial Tapestry. As opposed to those who are Forsaken, who have a tiny Void Rift in their Tapestry siphoning off their energy, those who seek the path of Magick deliberately give up control over their own power, thereby damaging their nodes and their Aspectral powers through a combination of negligence and misuse. Forsaken, by contrast, are merely afflicted with a disorder in their Tapestry, one which can be overcome over the course of power mastery.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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