Mirux - Force of Illusion and Bedazzlement


"From the beginning, when Light and Darkness became at odds through the First Fall of Man, Mirux has been the essential force holding us back against the void and its destructive power on the physical plane." Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Mirux represents the force that interferes with the default flow and shaping of Lux and Nux forces, and how Photox particles interact and/or interfere with each other. Naturally occurring concentrations of Mirux stave off direct interactions of Lux and Nux particles, preventing Void Tide Events from passively occurring. Mirux also creates optical and illusory phenomenon, and if controlled, can twist and break light and dark into dazzling displays that can both disorient and dazzle foes.    

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Mirux

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Mirux Sense: The player can pinpoint the exact illumination levels of an area both in terms of Lux and Nux, as well as sources of Mirux in an area. 2 - Dazzling: The player can use Mirux they generate to create light and/or dark based optical phenomena, using such manipulations to fascinate or distract those nearby.
OOMinor Illusion: The player can change the visual perception of an object in the vicinity, which becomes less believable at close proximity as it gives off no audible, tangible or olfactory elements.
OOOBedazzlement: The player can twist light and darkness to overwhelm an opponent's sense of sight, distracting, dazzling or fascinating them as the player sees fit.
OOOONullify Illusion: The player can sense the mirux forces necessary to craft an illusion, and can unravel such illusions as desired. This becomes easier with more points in this sphere.
OOOOOMajor Illusion: The player can create an illusion that gives off visual, audible and olfactory illusions. Only upon attempting to touch do others automatically learn that the Mirux construct is an illusion. This becomes more potent if the player also has access to at least two points in the Movero sphere
OOOOO OGrand Bedazzlement: The player can twist light and darkness to overwhelm the senses, including not only the visual but also the smell and or hearing of the opponents in question. With practice (and access to the Movero and Vivo spheres) such smells and sounds can be generated without any visual component.
OOOOO OOSolid Illusion: With access to any sphere of force that can give the illusion solidity (Lux, Terron, Magnus, Estricto, Elmentai with 2 points) the player can make the illusion solid so as to trick even the sense of touch for opponents to disbelieve an illusion. Without access to those spheres such an illusion is still possible, but more difficult and more easily disbelieved.
OOOOO OOONullify Void Tide: With enough Mirux power, the player can untangle the collision of Lux and Nux forces that generate and maintain a Void Rift resulting from a Void Tide event. The player can also prevent a Void Tide event from happening if they are aware that it that would happen in an instance.
OOOOO OOOOPhotox Flow: The player can manipulate the flow of all Photox, allowing them to render themselves and/or others invisible to the naked eye. Those sensitive to both Lux and Nux can sense the strange flow of Photox that results from invisibility, but others would be unable to sense them without tapping into at least level 3 of a non primordial sphere.
OOOOO OOOOOPermanent Illusion: With sufficient points in any other sphere, the player can make any illusion on any object or even any person near-permanent through creating a perpetually fueled illusion using the other energy source as its maintainer. The result of this is that those sensitive to said element can recognize the signature feeding the illusion, and with enough familiarity with this sphere through study can recognize that it is an illusion even if they are themselves unable to break it.


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