Nux - Force of Night and Shadows


"Nux is the essence of shadows, the strength of night, that which shrouds the unknown. It is behind the feeling you get when staring into the abyss, that cloying thickness within the deepest caverns. To underestimate Nux is to leave oneself vulnerable to its dangers." Ideem Adwar, founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Nux represents Photox particles that have been stripped of more than 75% of their energy. In this state, Photox take on a shadowy hue, obscuring vision through a cloud of their particles. They are also much more vulnerable to changes in Energy Flows, and as such, Nux concentrations are seen as highly unstable. When shadows are thickest, they tend to draw towards creatures and objects who possess Celestial Tapestries, providing a 'cloying' effect that can result in energy entanglement from either continued exposure or through direct manipulation.    

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Nux

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Nux Sense: The player can pinpoint the exact illumination levels of an area, as well as sense sources of unenergized Photox, even if they are in a space filled with light. 2 - Darkening: The player can gather and de-power Photox in an area to absorb light, generate darkness and decrease the light levels in the surrounding area.
OOCloying Shadows: The player can concentrate darkness into or onto a target. Depending on the sourcing and the strength, this tends to deal minor damage but entangles enemies to varying levels of potency.
OOOShadow Weaving: the player can create loose concentration clouds of shadows and send out tendrils, which pierce through enemies.
OOOOConvert Light: The player can draw the energy of ambient light, de-powering Photox and converting it into its Nux or Depowered form. This newly generated area of darkness can then be used to fuel other attacks.
OOOOOCloud of Darkness: The player can generate a large and flowing cloud of darkness from which they can attack, bind, or generate smaller fields and obscure shapes of darkness.
OOOOO OShadow Rays: Any cloud of darkness can fire out rays of darkness to more quickly strike enemies nearby. These rays pierce enemies and can be reconverted into entangling tendrils with additional manipulation
OOOOO OOShadow Loom: The player can separate, detach, and combine tendrils, using enough power to constrict and crush metal.
OOOOO OOOStorm of Darkness: The player one or more clouds of deep darkness. While it is susceptible to dispersion of conversion, the deep darkness clouds will bind anyone within them automatically, and the tendrils generated require such methods to break.
OOOOO OOOODark Aura: The player surrounds themselves with a concentrated form of a storm of darkness, which can emit shadow rays and tendrils at will, along with defending the player from direct attack.
OOOOO OOOOOPhotoxic Bombardment: The player takes control of ambient darkness and uses it to bombard nearby enemies with overwhelming pressure.


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