Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation


"Poteton is such a hidden force, the epitome of those I consider the conceptual forces. How else can one describe how inanimate forces can hold energy? How we hold and release tension within our bodies? Poteton explains that and more, and its mysteries have yet to be unlocked for us to see." Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
  Poteton represents the potential energy contained within all things. This pertains to the energy existing within any object at rest, as well as the energy absorbed by objects such as Foci . Those who manipulate Poteton are not to be trifled with, because they can not only make use of Foci materials to a terrifying degree, but can also make any object, and even the air itself, into an incredibly deadly and effective weapon.    

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Poteton

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Poteton Sense: The player is able to sense the exact amount of potential energy stored in an object especially that of Foci. 2 - Foci Attunement: The player is able to use their own energy and ambient energy to recharge Foci faster then they are normally able to. This becomes more potent the more points put into this sphere.
OO1 - Inverse Potential: The player is able to convert energy in action back to potential energy stored within themselves or in Foci on their person. This can allow them to temporarily nullify natural effects on themselves so long as they are aware of the forces involved (at least one point in the sphere in question). 2 - Drain Potential: The player is able to drain the potential energy of an object, including non-foci objects, putting them in a state of stasis requiring greater energy to change their state.
OOOConvert Potential: So long as the player has two points into another sphere, they can convert Poteton into another force of choice over which they have at least a minor control.
OOOOCharge Potential: The player charges any object in their immediate environment with additional potential energy. This heightens any resulting action taken by the player to said object
OOOOORelease Potential: The player releases energy stored in any object in their immediate environment. Such a burst of energy automatically increases the ambient energy in the immediate are if it is not immediately converted through Convert Potential.
OOOOO OPotent Bolts: The player can create simple attacks made of Potential energy. Such attacks do not do much direct damage, but instead can either drain enemies or overcharge them.
OOOOO OOStave off imbalance: the player is now immune to abilities that come from a non-void-related internal imbalance of energy.
OOOOO OOOAura of Potential: The player is able to charge an area or one or more objects with potential energy, from which they can convert or manipulate the energy generated as desired
OOOOO OOOOOvercharge: The player charges an object or Foci past the natural limit of it's ability to store energy, allowing the release of such energy to be more potent. This results in the Foci unable to recharge for a set period of time, or the possibility of the non-foci object crumbling.
OOOOO OOOOOWave of Potential: The player charges an object or Foci until it bursts, releasing the stored energy in a wave that they can control and convert as desired.


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