Psyncronicity and Harmony (P-sin-crow-niss-ity)

The Song Within, and Without


Aspectral Power comes through Intonation of Celestial Cores , and in doing so come many variations of abilities and capacities. However, due to the nature of how the Celestial Tapestry works, some abilities come with more hurdles than others. However, at the end of the day, it is the coordination with others that truly brings out the full extent of one's power. Thus, two powers were discovered out of a deeper understanding of Intonation: Synchronicity and Harmony.  


Psynchronicity (Psync for short) is a phenomenon that is necessary when a person is born with more than one Celestial Tapestry Node (Lacrimaphra/Enigmaphra) or when their power as one of the main races is split between two or more Nodes/subnodes with different Celestial Cores (and thereby, Intonations) in each of them. In order to access the fullest capabilities of their powers, they need all of their Nodes to release their Intonation in a Psynchronized way. To do so is to achieve Psyncronicity, and to achieve mastery over it allows them to more unevenly distribute power from each Node, providing a larger number of variations and uses. For those who are Adepts or Savants in terms of Aspectral Breadth Capacity, this is much easier to achieve than most people.  


If a person fails to achieve Psyncronicity with their Intonations, they may accidentally cause a De-Psyncronization, which can render their power into an unstable state. This tends to happen when a Node that was not resonating with Intonation is unintentionally activating, causing a mistimed Intonation that does not Psyncronize with the others. This can also occur if there is a Unlinked set of Celestial Cores, or a Psionic Block preventing their direct interaction when necessary. Since they are not in Psync, control over the power released by this Intonation is lost, and the power released not under control. While more skilled practitioners can sense this occurring and re-psynchronize the multiple Node Intonations (or prevent the non-resonant Node from activating), unskilled users can release their powers in ways that make their surroundings dangerous until they get their abilities under control. It is for this reason primarily that most people groups with multiple nodes have extensive training in this specific ability.  


Harmony is the phenomenon that occurs when multiple individuals "Harmonize" their Celestial Cores, forming an invisible connection through Intonation that allows them to share energy, power, and even senses for a time while this occurs. This power usually occurs through strong coordination between individuals that have formed a bond, and is unlikely to occur when there is strife between them. Harmony can also not occur if one of the individual partners is unwilling.  

Choral Harmonia

When a Sage or Arc-Sage is able to achieve control over Intonation itself, they are able to create a link among willing participants in order to create a "Chorus" of Intonation Harmonies called a Choral Harmonia. Choral Harmonia can, all-together, create a massive amount of energy that, when combined with a strong Shaping Array, create massive effects over a large area. The necessary coordination and skill to create a Choral Harmonia is very difficult to achieve, however.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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