Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy


"Tempus, or Time, is an ever burning flame, consuming all as it flows through the world. We may seek to stave off its effects, but none are immune to the tides of Time. Those who have seen it know it well, and I... I know it better than most." Ideem Adwar, Founder of the Arauk Kingdom
Tempus represents the flow of time as it marches on, progressing and allowing the natural progression of all things. As a fundamental force, time gives all things age, meaning, development, and also leads to entropy and death in the world. As such, to wield Time is to have power to accelerate death, and many who wield it are generally long lived peoples who risk sacrificing much of that long life to harness its power.      

Standard Powers (Roleplay)

Standard Powers: Tempus

The Law of Surreality - Reference to Sioploci.

Sphere NumberDescription
O1 - Tempus Sense: The player is able to sense the exact time at any point, as well as temporal distortions in the surrounding area. 2 - Sioploci Awareness: The player is able to stop their own time in their senses, and in doing so are aware of the Realm of Grey Flame (Sioploci) and its connection to the Timestream.
OOStep of Grey Flame: The player is able to use the grey flames from the realm to move through stilled time or speed up their movement, depending on the application.
OOODistort Timeflow: The player can draw out and wield the energy of grey flame from the timestream, using it to fuel attacks that distort the enemy's perception of time in the moment. They can also use it to distort their own time in relation to others.
OOOOTimeLock: Locks away the player, a willing partner, or an object out of the present timeline. This renders them invulnerable to all attack for how long they can maintain this effect
OOOOOFuel the present: The player can draw from temporal energies to empower energy based effects that occur in the present.
OOOOO OTrace the Past: The player can gaze into the realm of grey flame and read the patterns within to garner clues from the past. With knowledge and sensing of other elements (at least one point in particular spheres) they can determine more using this power.
OOOOO OOStagnant Flame: The player can directly attack enemies with Timeflame, causing direct damage and stagnating enemies, preventing them from effectively drawing upon ambient energies or regenerating their internal energy.
OOOOO OOOTri-Temporal Awareness: The player is able to use their awareness of the Realm of Grey Flame to be simultaneously aware of their immediate future and past actions within the span of a second. With tremendous effort, they can alter these actions.
OOOOO OOOOTemporal Burst: When TimeLocking, the player can funnel the temporal energies outward to damage and stagnate those who attempt to attack them in a locked state.
OOOOO OOOOOTemporal Breakdown: With concentrated temporal flame, the player can accelerate the entropy of existence, causing those exposed to break down to their fundamental makeup. This ability is extremely difficult to perform, but can be made easier with certain Cores, or a number of points in Demeton, Elmentai and/or Vivo.


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