Aspect of Obscurity

Base Abilities

  Those who wield this Aspectral Power have the ability to bind themselves to a force, infusing and surrounding themselves with that force and granting themselves some of that force's properties, making them appear to be made of the force they bind themselves to. This phenomenon is known as an "Obscuring Mantle" This allows them the general ability of flight, as well as the ability to project their power as if it is a part of their own body, making them formidable in terms of their prowess.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Mantle of Obscurity (Celestial OOOO): Wielders of this power gain the ability to wield additional powers of their obscuring mantle, including the following:
  • -> A Sight based ability (Roll Perception + Mantle of Obscurity at 9-1 per point difficulty)
  • -> A Body based ability (Roll Stamina/Dexterity + Mantle of Obscurity, same as above)
  • -> A Presence ability (How their environment immediately changes once they enter an area, Roll Celestial Sphere + Mantle of Obscurity, difficulty same as above). Automatically extends a number of squares as if the wielder of this power was giving off the light of a torch.
  • -> An Aura ability (How they manipulate their environment subconciously as part of their obscuring field, Roll same as Presence). This aura naturally extends a 1 sq distance from the wielder of this power, but can be extended an additional 3 squares in any direction
  • Downside: The nature of this power requires more expensive and specialized equipment to wear so that the equipment is not destroyed by the Mantle.
  • This list of Mantle abilities is listed below:
  Mantle Powers and Abilities
  • Mantle of Light - (SIGHT) Immunity to blindness, (BODY) Light-speed movement over short distances, (PRESENCE) Radiating presence, increasing light levels in their immediate surroundings, (AURA) Laser infused field, a full net of light lasers surrounds and follows them.
  • Mantle of Darkness - (SIGHT)Darksight, can see in darkness without any obscurity due to thickness or magjykal means, (BODY)Liquid Darkness, Movement cannot be restricted by most energy means (roll against the effect), (PRESENCE) Darkening presence, reducing the light levels in their immediate surroundings, (AURA) Unstable Shadows: shadows are pulled along with them, filling the area around them with an obscuring dark purple miasma.
  • Mantle of Illusion - (SIGHT) Illusion-Piercing sight: Able to discern and disbelieve illusions without any mental checks, (BODY) Illusory Body: Dodge maneuvers have increased dice based on successes, (PRESENCE) Dazzling presence: Light and shadow levels in the room fluctuate, increases difficulty focusing on this target, (AURA) Aura of uncertainty: Using their powers at all alters peoples perception of the environment.
  • Mantle of Gravitation - (SIGHT) Sighted Pull: Directed control of personal gravity through line of sight, (BODY) High Density Body, able to increase soak temporarily using this method, (PRESENCE) Orbiting presence: Loose, low velocity objects in the area can be pulled into orbit, (AURA) Null Mass Aura: Reduces the weight of all objects in the area, making the objects float as part of the obscuring elements. This also scrambles the trajectory of visual particles (Photox, which makes up Lux and Nux), resulting in the obscurity of the person.
  • Mantle of Potential - (SIGHT) Internal Stasis: Closing eyes gives self a boosted save against all internal toxins or other effects, and can remove Aspectral Marks, (BODY) Evercharged body: Roll damage to those that touch you if half of the roll (rounded up) is successful with potential energy, (PRESENCE) Indomitable Presence: Imposing presence, +2 advantage on and against Intimidation as their energy leaks out, (AURA) High energy pulse: Everything the aura touches slowly gains potential energy unless they focus their aura. The energy refracts light, making it difficulty to make out their appearance
  • Mantle of Space - (SIGHT) Dimensional Anchoring: By focusing one's sight, one can temporarily root opponents by anchoring them in place spatially, requires a half+ roll to activate, (BODY) Spatial sense: Has no penalties to blind-fighting in melee, (PRESENCE) Ethereal presence: The distance between all existences in the room becomes distorted by default, which can be manipulated with successes, (AURA) Warping Aira: Spatially warp objects with one's aura. Touch reduces the difficulty in doing so. This distortion applies to the visual spectrum, warping their appearance
  • Mantle of Time - (SIGHT) Temporal Anchoring: Is always aware through sight of the present even if their own time is distorted, (BODY) Immune to Energy drain (cannot have their energy drained through disruptions in energy flow), (PRESENCE) Distorting presence: The flow of time around them is slightly distorted (slightly faster or slower), (AURA) Grey-Flame's touch: Gray flame infuses the aura that surrounds them, obscuring their appearance through its manifestation and distorting those that touch it.
  • Mantle of Lightning - (SIGHT) Stun Removal: Closing eyes removes stun effect from body, (BODY) Lightning reflexes: Can enhance agility based actions with lightning sphere if this roll has a greater than half success, (PRESENCE) Polarizing Presence: The character's presence electrifies the air, polarizing objects in the vicinity and allowing minor sparks between them, (Aura) Sparking Aura: Lighting surrounds and arcs from the body of the wielder, making them hard to perceive
  • Mantle of Flame - (SIGHT)Burn/Freeze Removal: Closing eyes removes fire/ice effects from the body, (BODY) Melting touch: Can heat up and potentially melt objects that touch the body, (PRESENCE) Hazy presence: The fiery emanations from the body make it hard to discern from the fire that increases the temperature of the room, (AURA) Heat aura: The heat generated from the mantle distorts light along with the fire, obscuring the body
  • Mantle of Impact - (SIGHT) Strike Nullification: If this roll is successful (greater than half) the first attack dealt that they can see is completely nullified, (BODY) Countering Body: If this roll is successful (greater than half), roll for half Estricto Sphere rolls as damage against attackers when hit in melee, (PRESENCE) Domineering Presence: Entering the room causes all within to feel physically the pressure emanating off of the character who wields this power, reducing their accuracy when attacking in melee, (AURA) Concussive Aura: The shattering of objects in the vicinity (including rocks and earth) that follows the wielder of this power obscures their appearance
  • Mantle of Growth - (SIGHT) Purification of Poison: Can remove poison from body through closing of the eyes +successful roll), and can cure those within their lifesense aura if they can see the affected area, (BODY) Acid touch: Applies a caustic chemical reaction to those who physically attack them directly if successful, (PRESENCE) Healing/Poisoning Presence (Slowly heals those allies surrounding them. Can be flipped to slowly poisoning enemies around them), (AURA) Lifesense Aura: The aura of elemental energy distorts the appearance of the wielder, obscuring their appearance while also allowing them to sense living creatures within close range.
  • Mantle of Movement - (SIGHT) Disruption of Motion: Can disrupt the movement of bodies in motion within the player's sight, (BODY) Telekinetic touch: Can displace an enemy who attacks them, (PRESENCE) Chaotic presence: Things seem to tremble or move spontaneously in the presence of one with this mantle activated, (AURA) Motionsense Aura: the aura of motion pulls things along with the wielder, and allows them to sense the motion of those within their aura.
  • Reinforced Mantle (Elmentai Primordia) - (SIGHT) Restoration of Bodily Integrity: Can close their eyes to restore their body integrity (dismemberment, damage that would in any way damage the overall structure of the body, rather than harm its elements), or do so to those within their Aura and line of sight, (BODY) Breakdown Touch: With a successful roll, the player can use Elmentai to forcefully sunder their enemies weapon as a reaction to being attacked, (PRESENCE) Reinforcing Presence: Being near the wielder of this power makes allies more sturdy and resilient, (AURA) Structural Awareness Aura: The aura of this ability creates a refracting field, obscuring the appearance of the wielder, and also giving them an awareness of the structure of those persons/objects within it
  • Shifting Mantle (Mysterai Primordia) - (SIGHT) Restoration of Balance (problems resulting from massive internal changes in temperature, or reduction in functioning): Closing eyes restores internal balance due to disruptions form outside influence such as maintaining internal temperature, etc. Extends to those within the Aura that the wielder can see, (BODY) Changing touch: Can apply the transformative effects of Mysterai to objects and people who attack them, (PRESENCE) Shifting Presence: Mysterious transformations of elemental properties occur within the presence of this wielder, either as a reactive balancing occurrence of as a proactive adjustment, (AURA) Balancing Aura: The aura alters and pulls along materials from around the wielder as they activated their Aura, obscuring their appearance. They can also sense imbalances within their aura and restore them.
  • Null Mantle (Fluva Primordia) - (SIGHT) Restoration of Body: Closing eyes restores the complete structural breakdown of the body that may occur through the diffusal of their essential or primordial components (complete structural breakdown), which can extend to those elements diffused by or stored in their Aura, (BODY) Diffusing Body: The wielder of this power can diffuse aspects of their own body, including but not limited to, their density, weight, structural integrity, scent, body heat, etc. They can use Restoration of Body to restore this at any time. (PRESENCE) Null Field Presence: When activated, their presence causes the dispersal of ambient energy, which can be manipulated and focused to only apply in certain areas around them, (AURA) Aura of Elementary Diffusal: When wielding this power, the elements that are dispersed become a storm around their aura, obscuring their appearance. Additionally, concentrations of aura can be made to hold the aspects of their own body which have been diffused.
  • Causational Mantle (Fatua Primordia) - (SIGHT) Eyes of Undoing: A successful roll results in the ability to roll Destinua to remove changes in the environment done as the result of changes in or manipulation of fundamental forces, (BODY) Causational Touch: enemies who attack the wielder of this power when this roll is successful can have a distortion of cause and effect occur to them within the next 3 rounds, (PRESENCE) Conversion Presence: Being in the presence of one who wields this power makes any higher energy area they come across treated as ideal for their Aural Pull, regardless of their Elemental Alignment, (AURA) Aura of Causational shift: The aura of the wielder of this power is a maelstrom of chaotic phenomenon, obscuring their appearance. Additionally, this aura is the medium through which they perform changes in cause and effect

Background Abilities

  • Immunity to chosen force
  • Body Resilience to be able to handle the additional properties of said force.
  • Bodily restoration (when damaged surrounded by the Force Mantle, uses energy of the mantle to restore body)
  • Enhanced Energy sensing

Celestial Cores

  • Activate/Wield Mantle of Obscurity

    Activate/Wield Mantle of Obscurity

    Activate/Wield Mantle of Obscurity
    This core represents the ability of the wielder of this power to activate their Mantle of Obscurity and wield it as part of the outpouring of their elemental choice. This allows them to use elements of their mantle (Body for melee, Sight/Presence/Aura for ranged) as a basis for various Aspectral forms along with the raw power of their chosen element.   Generate Components: The player rolls the element of their Mantle of Obscurity upon activation to generate components of the associated sphere at a normal rate and difficulty, with a baseline of 1 + 1 for every 3 points in intonation. Every turn, the player generates additional components of the associated sphere equal to the baseline + Concentration at a higher difficulty.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Element of Choice (OOOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

    Wielders of this aspect are notable for multiple marks across their chest, corresponding to the location of their nodes. These marks emanate their Obscuring Mantle when their powers activate, infusing their body with their element while surrounding them with that same element.

Node Locations

  The nodes of those who wield this aspect are directly above the breastbone and in each shoulder.  

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Elent Form are known as "Elemental Etchers". Using their own bodies as catalysts, they can 'etch' patterns and structures on objects or even the air, which when released, send out the forces contained within on predetermined paths. Each person constructs patterns uniquely in order to focus their own mental subconcious to perform these tasks to manipulate the energies as determined.   Additional Core: Etch Pattern/Structure

Etch Pattern/Structure

Etch Pattern/Structure
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to 'etch out' elemental energy into specific permutations, presetting an effect and imbuing the necessary energy for it to work as instructed. The player can use it to cause the effect to occur immediately, or delay its effects to a specific time with additional difficulty or complexity depending on their intended effect. Interference in completion of this process can cause unintended consequences that may be for or against the wielder's benefit.
Core Requirements
Element of Choice (OOO)
Core Type

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Myst form are known as "Unbalancers". Their powers infuse their surroundings with elemental energy, giving them subtle manipulation in areas affected by their presence in dangerous and fantastic ways.   Additional Core: Unbalancing Presence

Unbalancing Presence

Unbalancing Presence
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to extend and control in a more fine-tuned way, their "Presence" and the energy within it, focusing it as a method of creating elemental concentrations in their surroundings, or using it to overwhelm specifically targeted enemies nearby. Doing so increases the difficulty of wielding other aspects of their powers, however, and must be done sparingly.
Core Requirements
Element of Choice (OOOO)
Core Type

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Myst form are known as "Living Storms". Their presence is even more obscured by their elemental energy, and from the outside they look like terrifying storms of elemental fury given life, devastating all in their path with arcs of elemental energy.   Additional Core: Unleash the Storm

Unleash the Storm

Unleash the Storm
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to strongly manipulate their surroundings with their raw power. In exchange for a slight increase in using their mantle's powers directly, they instead wield raw power at a lower difficulty than normal, shaping it with their immense power into Aspectral Forms. Controlling the storm, however also makes it difficult to combine known abilities into more complex ones for this player (Difficulty +1 for Chain Threads, developing Patterns from unMastered Threads)   Component Rules: The player must roll a willpower check with a +1 difficulty and a complexity double that of the baseline energy they would normally recieve. Every two successes under these rules increases the elemental components regained that round by 1.
Core Requirements
Element of Choice (OOOOO)
Core Type

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Fatu form are known as "Emanators". While they are wrapped in elemental energy, they emanate it in a constant field, coinciding with their Auras, within which their elemental energy is so immense as to be overwhelming. It is only by concentrating and manipulating the areas of their auras that they are able to direct their elemental energy, often to potent effect.   Additional Core: Enhanced Aura Manipulation

Enhanced Aura manipulation

Enhanced Aura manipulation
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to manipulate and shape their aura into constructs of medium to complex shapes without increased difficulty and in doing so extend the control of their aura to 3 times its normal reach, allowing them to more easily use their Aura as a conduit for their powers. They can also apply these complex structures to their weapons, expanding upon the capabilities given to them.
Core Requirements
Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Element of Choice (OO)
Core Type
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Jiteyr Roth-Tamay   Control Schema Flexilis - Any Force (Not material)   Associated Nations/Peoples Faestmithea - House of Roth-Tamay Barinarius Empire - Lunatt Soldiers   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Sagecraft Leaning   Associated Elements Any Energy Element (No Physical Element, No Flux)


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