The Sagittarian Nomads


  With skin as dark as night, coruscating like the shimmering stars of the night sky with pointed ears, the Sagittarian people are starkly distinct in their appearance. Their snow-white, almost glowing hair and contrasting twilight blue skin which sparkles with flickering lights make them stand out among all the nations across the worlds for both their ethereal beauty and their powerful presence. Known colloquially as "The Sages of the Night", the Sagittarian nomads have long unlocked the secrets of wandering between the worlds, and guard these secrets with their very lives.

Common Personality

  The Sagittarians are the most secretive of all the nomadic peoples across the Seventy-Seven worlds, and with good reason, as they have been collectively tasked with protecting the heartlands of the world. While they are friendly to many, they keep their internal practices a secret, and though they live in lands of abundant natural resources, they prefer to wear simple, yet flowing, clothing. They tend to hide what they mean in their speech, speaking often through inference rather than directly speaking their minds. They also are extremely loyal and generous to those who treat them well, particularly if they are on a pilgrimage. A people prone to asceticism as part of their cultural teachings, they nevertheless are known to have bangles, earrings, anklets and weapons (usually staves) of a rare blue metal known as Crepusculum, making all of their items extremely valuable, and their gifts of such items, when given, become the treasures of kings, family heirlooms, and ancient relics passed down over centuries. Those who try to steal such precious items, however, face an otherworldly wrath of astral energy, such that not even their ashes remain after their defeat.

History Summary

  When the scattering of mankind occurred, the ancestors of the Sagittarian Nomads were all exclusively sent to the Sacred lands of every world, the crystallized lands that surround the base of every Celestial Tree, and the touch-point of every Celestial Bough. In these, the heartlands of each world, they established a connection to the world itself through the representatives of the Flora, Fauna, and Firma. They communicated with and learned from the ancient Qilyn. They wandered the world with the great Heraldic beasts, and learned the illusive language of the Pledam and Rooted Ones, the intelligent plants which knew of the will of the World Spirit. Through these forms of guidance, the Sagittarians were able to unlock the secret paths of otherworldly exploration, through which they were able to wander between their individual tribes across the universe, binding themselves as one single, multi-world nation. In this way, along with the creatures of the world, they guarded the Sacred Lands of each world for more than a thousand years in secret before various peoples began to discover them, seeking out the great Foci resources which covered their land. In order to maintain their control over the lands over which they granted stewardship, they sought out various people with whom they established trading relations in order to stave off these potential threats. Over time, this led to a number of adventurous sorts leaving the crystal lands from one side of the world to another on a worldly pilgrimage, resulting in greater recognition and better relationships with other nations, as these "Pilgrim Sages" brought with them great knowledge of the natural world with them.

Society and Common Environment

  As part of seeking to maintain their culture and traditions even when apart, Sagittarians rarely are found alone. Instead, they are often in groups of three or more, sometimes with an entourage of people from other trusted groups to help with their long pilgrimage. In the rare situation where many are found living outside of the Sacred Lands, they always are found grouped together, collectively pooling their resources to cordon off sections of a city, or even sometimes a countryside village, to call their own. It is only in situations such as this, where some venture off alone and sometimes even marry outside of their cloistered groups. Yet, their distinct appearance, their powerful gifts, and their ever-present connection to the world and the Astrals themselves, always make such unions stand out, even when both parties seek to live out their lives as normal.  

International/Multi-ethnic relations


Religious Tendencies


Ethnic and Racial Traits




Imperative abilities


Aspects and Cores


Unique Martial Cores

Associated Nation: The Crystal Lands of Saggitarius   Associated Languages: Saggitarian, All Trade languages (Common) of every world   Associated Aspects: Aspect of Astral Imbuement 


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