Aspect of Astral Imbuement

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Astral Imbuement have the ability to 'charge' their entire body with Cosmic energy equivalent to one or more Astrals, making them capable of performing fantastic feats of power through the sheer force of the energy within them. Unfortunately, this comes with the side effect of them being less able to gather ambient energies to recharge their Celestial Tapestry. As such, they typically recharge their energies all at once, either from the Astrals at night, the Sul in the daytime, or nearby Foci if desperate.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Celestial Attunement (Celestial OO) - The wielder of this power is constantly aware of true north and true south (the location of the Circadian Arbors ) as well as the positioning of the Suls and Astrals in the sky, all without direct sight. This gives them two major benefits and one downside:
  • 1 - Benefit 1: The first benefit is the ability to refill their Ambient energy to their maximum capacity every day/night.
  • 2 - Benefit 2: At higher points (3+), they can use this heightened awareness of their location to reduce the penalties of blind-fighting to almost null (nullified at Max) when under the light of any celestial body. This extends to underground areas if they have their favored celestial body out (See Night-Sitters and Day-Raisers), have a charged cosmic metal object on their body (Twilight Crafters), or otherwise have at least 1 Ambient charge within their bodies (Astral Guides)
  • Downside: Characters wielding this power must roll their Wit against a difficulty 11 (-1 per point in Celestial Imprint) or automatically use 1 point of Ambience when wielding their power. If they run out of this Ambient pool, if they have no other Foci source from which to draw, they wield their power at a +1 difficulty and a +1 complexity until they spend the time to recharge their ambient pool.

Supportive Abilities

  • Expanded energy capacity
  • Constant awareness of energy reserves

Celestial Cores

  • Draw Cosmic Energy

    Draw Cosmic Energy

    Draw Cosmic Energy
    This Core represents the drawing of cosmic energy from the heavenly bodies, be they the Astrals at night, the Sul by day, or any source which is imbued with their energies. While the default state is to gather the drawn energy within oneself, this can also be used to gather it outside oneself and manipulate the raw energy there.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OO), Lux - Force of Light and Day (O)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Shape stored energy

    Shape Stored Energy

    Shape Stored Energy
    Allows the wielder to manipulate gathered cosmic energy, either from within oneself or from the skies, into powerful structures of light and/or potential energy that can release said energies in a variety of forms. This allows them to create structures that upon certain conditions automatically convert the light into other forms of energy through the imbued Potential energy, even if they are unable to control the results fully.
    Core Requirements
    Lux - Force of Light and Day (OO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2

Outer Manifestation

  Most wielders of this aspect, as members of the Sagittarian Nomads, are Hyumaphra, and therefore have a generally normal humanshape. However, most if not all wielders of this power have part or all of their body a deep blue color, often associated with the color of twilight. When they are charged with energy, their body is said to imitate the night sky, with glowing specks like stars spread all across their skin. If this only exists on part of their body, the 'star freckle' effect only appears on that part of the body as well.

Node Locations

  Wielders of the Aspect of Astral Imbuement generally have their Nodes close to the skin around their chest and/or back area.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Elent aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Twilight Crafters. A rare but prominent sub-group, Twilight Crafters have the unique Core ability to transmute Cosmic energy into Crepuscithulum, colloquially known as Cith or Cosmic Metal. Cosmic Metal naturally has a high capacity for storing and conducting energy, even higher than naturally occurring material such as Dragonstones or Dragon metal. Twilight Crafters use objects made with this material to store multiple day's worth of cosmic energy, and unless they go through a specific process, the Cith Metal they create will immediately become a Catalym extension of their power. Creating Cyth Metal draws directly from their Ambient pool, but they can store additional points equal to the amount used to create this item within the metal when absorbing Astral energy. This takes away from their ambient pool absorption at the time of creation.   Additional Celestial Cores:
  • Transmute Cyth Metal

    Transmute Cyth Metal

    Transmute Cyth Metal
    This Core represents the unique ability to convert gathered cosmic energy into Cyth metal. Cyth metal can be formed into simple shapes, further manipulated by elemental control over Metal.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OO), Lux - Force of Light and Day (OO), Metal Sphere (OO))
    Core Type
  • Manipulate Cith Metal

    Manipulate Cyth Metal

    Manipulate Cyth Metal
    This core allows the character to manipulate Cyth metal at a higher grade than most metals with fewer points in the Metal sphere, especially if it is Cyth metal that they themselves have transmuted. In addition, they can use their points in the Celestial Sphere to enhance its energy channeling properties in their hands
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Metal Sphere (OO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality

Myst Form & Abilities

  Myst aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Night Sitters. The most common alignment, Night Sitters have a much easier time absorbing energy from Astrals, and as such are known to sit meditating at night. The energy they release often takes the appearance of miniature Astrals as well, and they are known to create variable formations known as 'Constellations' to harness the powers they create.   Additional Celestial Cores:
  • Generate Sub-Astral

    Generate Sub-Astral

    Generate Sub-Astral
    This Core allows the wielder to create, store, and conjure intense concentrations of light called Sub-Astrals, that with a tiny amount of potential energy can quickly shift into differing forms of energy, making them potent and powerful elemental constructs to wield in battle.
    Core Requirements
    Lux - Force of Light and Day (OOOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
    Core Type
  • Arrange Constellation

    Arrange Constellation

    Arrange Constellation
    This core represents the ability to create an intricate interweaving of Sub-Astrals and Potential energy to create what are known as Constellations. With enough focus and attention, the resulting array can be used to generate great masses of elemental energy generally containable and controllable by light, resulting in greater, if more complicated, feats of power.   (NOTE: Requires 3 or more Astrals prepared as well as the core requirements here)
    Core Requirements
    Lux - Force of Light and Day (OOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality

Flou Form & Abilities

  Flou aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Day Raisers. The second most common alignment, Day Raisers have a much easier time drawing energy from the Sul and from the branches of the Sacred Branch/Tree. As such, they are known to meditate early in the morning to draw upon the energy of the Day to fill their reservoirs of energy. In releasing their energy, their power often takes the form of a 'Golden wind', great flows of concentrated energy that they use to generate powerful effects.   Additional Celestial Cores:   Generate/Concentrate Golden Wind

Generate/Concentrate Golden Wind

Generate/Concentrate Golden Wind
This Core represents the generation, manipulation and concentration of the dust-like luminous construction known as Golden Wind. This finely dispersed mass of light surrounded by potential energy can be used to generate great constructs over time, be amassed to create blindingly powerful weapons, or simply controlled and dispersed to disorient enemies or create ambient elemental imbalances through subtle release of potential energy.
Core Requirements
Lux - Force of Light and Day (OOOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OO)
Core Type
Linked 3

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Fatu aligned wielders of this Aspect are known as Astral Guides. The rarest alignment, Astral Guides are unique among all the celestial aspects in that they can choose to realign nearly their entire Celestial Tapestry to that of a different Aspect, with the only stipulation that their energy is still drawn from Cosmic or Foci sources. Astral Guides also have their outer manifestation related to this Aspect relegated to the part of their body that is related to their new powers.   Additional Celestial Cores:   (Empty) Align Celestial Tapestry

Align Celestial Tapestry

Align Celestial Tapestry
This core signifies the character drawing upon the cosmic energies in a great, singular effort, realigning their internal powers permanently to be that of another Aspect of their choosing. This requires deep study of their potential power, and is a choice that cannot be undone. It also forces them to lose their core Shape Stored Energy in exchange for all the cores associated with said power (including those from every Form).
Core Requirements
Celestial Sphere (OOOO)
Core Type
Phenom Empty
Paragonic Origin Caspian Saggitam   Control Schema Multiplex en Simult - This occurs when the Aspect allows the person to wield multiple elements, generally at the same time but in varying concentrations   Associated Nations/Peoples The Sagittarian Nomads   Associated Racial Groups Hyumaphra Lacrimaphra   Mastery Focus Shaping Leaning - This Aspect requires substantial training to control their power before focusing on Sagecraft and Sagesight.   Associated Elements Lux - Force of Light and Day Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation Metal


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