Unilis (Yun-ee-liss)

This occurs when the Aspect allows the person to wield a single force for the use of their power. The most straightforward of all the control paradigms, those who can control a single element in this way have such a strong affinity with said element that it becomes very, very difficult to harm them with it, even if it is infused with energy.   For example, for the native people of Ocenilis, they are overall immune to the effects of both steam and icy mist, as their affinity with water renders them resistant to major temperature changes in water. Only when the temperature changes would be high or low enough to change the nature of the water itself (instant ice or breaking it down to fundamental elements) would they find themselves affected.   In relation to the Celestial Sphere increasing points in that sphere represent the further protection from offensive attacks from that element that the player has.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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