A Mother's Love

As you settle down to rest, the Dreamer leans in, his wide eyes searching into your thoughts and memories. We see an elaborate office through the Haze, where a noble Lashunta man -- Jessel Kesh -- stands in front of his desk, mid-argument with a woman you’ve met in your dreams. Shalema, Tesin’s old instructor. Surrounding them, four young Lashunta agents look about, clearly uncomfortable with the exchange, but bound by duty to remain.

Jessel: “Did you wipe her fucking memories?”
Shalema: “I did what was in the interest of Project 9.”
Jessel: “Answer the fucking question! Did you wipe her? Fuck… Did you Splinter her instead?”
Shalema: “If I did… What would you even do?”
Jessel: “What…? Shalema. I’d have to arrest you. There would be an execution.”

The young agents in the room hesitate, but their hands hover to the pistols at their sides, nervously waiting for an order they don’t want to fulfill.

Shalema: “You put me on information duty for three years, Jessel.”
Jessel: “This again? Why is it even relevant?”
Shalema: “You thought it was a punishment... It was a mistake.”
Jessel: “Agents, arrest her right-”
Shalema: “Xerxes.”

The young agents raise their pistols, but as Shalema’s command reaches their ears, they rapidly change targets, pointing their pistols at Jessel instead.

Jessel: “W-what. What did you do to them?”
Shalema: “The same thing I did to Tesin, you motherfucker. I set them free. Fire.”

Without pausing, all four agents shoot their master, and with a flick of Shalema’s wrist, turn their guns on themselves. Their eyes go wide in disbelief, as if they cannot comprehend their own actions.

Shalema: “Don’t resist, boys. If you move from that spot, shoot yourselves in the face. I’m out of here.”

The Lashunta then turns, picking up a pistol from Jessel’s corpse, and dashes out of the office…


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