
Aergia (a.k.a. The Queen of Lethargy)

Aergia is the ruler of the Doldrums (the plane closest to the Dreamlands of Tyrnog) and is responsible for granting mortals a gentle rest. She is the sworn enemy of the Dream Eater, and considers the Candy Coast an occupied area of her realm.  

Divine Domains

Aergia is the goddess of Sleep, Dreams, Stasis, and Lethargy. While she used to own all facets of the dream, her domain over Nightmare was stolen by the Dream Eater.  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Aergia is often associated with rolling hills, calm oceans, and the slow, steady crawling of roots. Mortals who worship her often carry a cutting of a root polished into a smooth ball, which is then carved with symbols that are meaningful to the individual over their lifetime. When a mortal soul enters the In Between, it is said that this ball acts as a beacon to Aergia, who may come to collect their soul in one of her glass jars.  

Tenets of Faith

While Aergia has never openly published her tenets, her followers have scraped together her desires through centuries of prayer:  
  1. Rest often, be easy, and strive for greatness in slow, methodical steps.
  2. Don't raise your voice, don't rock the boat, and don't disrupt the stillness of nature.
  3. Oppose the Dream Eater in every effort, and slay his nightmares when possible. Never eat or drink in the Candy Coast.
Divine Classification
Current Location

Character Portrait image: palettte 36 by exellero


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