The Dreamlands

The Dreamlands are a stable continent of meta-reality surrounded by an infinite collection of island realms (often referred to as "dreamscapes"), where creatures go to dream when they sleep. Nestled inside the Ethereal Plane, it neighbors the mysterious plateau of Leng, and is thus relatively close to the domains of Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. As all creatures who sleep are capable of dreaming, it is believed that the Dimension of Dreams touches upon all realms where life exists.  

The Haze

The Haze is a manifestation of the Dreamlands itself (such that it makes no sense to speak of one without the other), and acts as a steward for creatures entering their dreams. It is allied with the Dreamer, and serves Desna in her quest to secure the dreaming from the Great Beyond.


The Dimension of Dreams contain every known biome and more, subject only to the collective imagination of the dreams that inhabit it. However, the core of this dimension (sometimes referred to as "the Dreamlands", omitted here to avoid confusion) is relatively stable, and contains nations of both mortals and Outsiders within it.  


Traveling to the Dimension of Dreams is extremely difficult, as it requires a class of spells outside the usual planar magic known to mortals. Instead, dream-specific rituals of the same function must be crafted per individual that wishes to journey there, which creates a "lucid body" in the Dreamlands for the creature's slumbering body to inhabit.   The city of Dylath-Leen exists near the center of the Dreamlands, surrounded by the dead trees of an enchanted forest that existed before the Gap. It is a common point of entry for first-time explorers, infamously known for the legend of the Owls of Dylath-Leen.  
Alternative Name(s)
The Dimension of Dreams
Dimensional plane
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Related Reports (Secondary)
Inhabiting Species

Articles under The Dreamlands

Cover image: Dreamcatcher by Logan Preshaw


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