Battle of Kahlannal

The Battle of Kahlannal was the final conflict in the decades-long war between the Servants of Sakalayo and the Anassanoi of Kahlannal, which saw General Khaim and his forces repelled once and for all.

The Conflict


The Battle of Kahlannal followed a devastating takeover led General Khaim, who had been raiding the borders of Kahlannal for years, and had already destroyed nine of the ten bubble cities founded by the Anassanoi on Mataras. The resistance formed from the ashes, led by Protector Nyralaen and envoy Zhyffor, after Captain Hamat betrayed the forces Khaim left behind, broadcasting a cry for help across Mataras, which eventually summoned the Dream Team.


At the beggining of the conflict, Anassanoi forces were spread all about the bubble city, with the Efreeti forces focused around their northern landing point, and their strategic foothold in the Kahlannal Spire. Eventually Nyralaen was able to recover the majority of her soldiers from the detention centers at the fartherest reaches of Efreeti influence, which formed the Anassanoi resistance. The battle quickly devolved into a series of smaller conflicts spread all over the city, with a focus on recovering or maintaining hold on important resources such as tram lines, communication hubs, Protector shrines, and detention centers. Efreeti forces maintained control of the majority of the tram lines up until the end of the conflict, and thus the Anassanoi were forced to squeeze through service tunnels, making large, bull-rush efforts all but impossible.

Meanwhile, the Anassanoi's limited air forces patrolled their pockets of influence, although they saw rapid losses due to their inferior technology and the loss of control over their anti-air defenses. After a major strike by the Dream Team on Desnus the 23rd, all Anassanoi forces were deployed to the Spire, which signalled the end of the conflict.


After decades of war and a violent invasion, Kahlannal was a shadow of its former self. Buildings had collapsed all over the station, and all city-wide defense systems had been turned against the original occupants. This made routine deployment of forces difficult for both sides, but in particular the Anassanoi, and made many of the smaller bubbles in the city practically unlivable. Only the north and south bubbles were spared significant damage, and the Spire bubble was all but destroyed in the final days of the conflict.

The Engagement

While the days after Hamat's betrayal were a chaotic firefight, the conflict cooled before the arrival of the Dream Team, with both sides clamoring for resources and designing strategies to remove their opponents once and for all. After the Dream Team's arrival, along with a number of their skilled allies, Protector Nyralaen made a split decision to deploy both parties to the eastern and western bubbles. The groups overwhelmed the Efreeti -- who had grow complacement after fighting the relatively weaker Anassanoi -- recovering not only Protector Mehrren, but his Chariot, and a number of Anassanoi artifacts that could turn the tide. Several smaller conflicts saw the destruction of a strategic tram line, as well as the return of basic comms to Anassanoi forces.

Due to the illness of Protector Faeffel, the remaining Protectors decided to raise Zhyffor to their ranks, allowing them to wield all three relics in the upcoming battle. The Dream Team was assigned the recovery of the Spire, with their allied party to focus on engaging Rastelviri, and all other forces were sent to dominate the surrounding bubble.

The following conflict was violent and brief. Within three hours the Spire had been recovered, Rastelviri was defeated (although not truly slain), all Efreeti officers were either captured or killed, and the Servants made the call to retreat. Those unable to escape were captured, but many Efreeti later used their innate ability to plane shift, leaving mostly Azer and Salamanders behind.

The Anassanoi formally announced their victory some hours later, and began the long road to recovery for both Kahlannal, and its native people.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Desnus 12th, 317 AG
Ending Date
Desnus 23rd, 317 AG
Conflict Result
Victory for the Anassanoi


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