
The Cagn are an insect-like species of world-hoppers that are capable of traveling in between Petals. They do not have a known home Petal, and are recognized across the multiverse for their tenacity and intelligence. The ultimate goal of the Cagn is to eat nearby Petals before they can fall to the Dark Tapestry, making them a natural enemy to both Petal natives and the Outer Gods.

Basic Information


The Cagn are rarely seen in their full form, but are described as having the features of insects — in particular praying mantises, louses, and caterpillars — combined with a mix of horns and scales that vary from specimen to specimen. It is unknown if there are subspecies of the Cagn, or if any two Cagn look the same.

Civilization and Culture


Known to Lod Coster as "Edge Worms", he claimed to have encountered the species during his study of the Sideways Steps, and that they offered him knowledge in return for service and trade. It is unknown if Lod took them up on their offer, but he later wrote in his journal that the Cagn were the cause of the Sideways Steps, and that they lured the Lost Children there each Iteration in order to consume them.   During Mist's Apotheosis in 318 AG, it was revealed that Lamashtu often worked with the Cagn that populate the edges of the Abyss, and that they may have aided her in her battle against Curchanus. After Mist refused to ascend to her domain, Lamashtu severed herself from Mist's essence, and returned to the Cagn with the remains of her demonic portfolio.   At some point after the adventures of the Zodiac Braves, it appears that a Cagn laid an egg inside the ruined planet of Akiton, where it still rests today. It is currently one target in the ritual central to the Phoenix Eclipse conflict.

Cover image: Bug by Johanna Rupprecht


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