Sideways Steps

Nestled into the side of a mountain in the Twisting Peaks, the Sideways Steps are a set of monolithic stairwells that climb towards the mountain's top, shrouded in mist that obscures all forms of sensors and magical observtion. Those who venture within are often granted a vision of a rainbow-colored portal in the mist, typically invisible to their closeby companions, through which the visitor claims to see alternate versions of Aucturn. The foremost scholar on the subject, Lod Coster, confirmed via the stars that the planet on the other side was indeed Aucturn, but sensed a terrible shift in the magic there, and claimed his connection with the gods was immediately lost to him upon passing through. Any further examination of the portal was deemed impossible after it was discovered that the portal closes after a few minutes, leaving whoever was on the other side stranded forever.   In Grandsmith's secret writings on the Forge, he states that the Lost Children utilized the Sideways Steps in an attempt to "escape the infinity", and were never heard from again.
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