Captain Ohm

Captain Ohm

Ohm was the long-winded captain of the Jasper, and best known to the public for his derogatory speeches to the inmates on their way to their designated prison. While few inmates saw him more than once, he had earned the general hatred of the crew - a sentiment that seemed to be shared among the guards...   Although the Captain was rarely seen by Mining Team 6, he seemed to be involved in the Varos Experiment, and worked with Alexander Marcus. He was left alive by Mining Team 6 in the chaos after their fight with Mining Team 5, but news broadcasts across the Pact Worlds claim that he is now deceased, although this could not have been verified by mundane means due to the ultimate fate of the Jasper.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
159 AG 317 AG 158 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow/Purple Flesh
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Paizo


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