Brethedan Bureau of Prisons

The Brethedan Bureau of Prisons (BBP) is the most effective correctional organization in the world, overseeing thousands of prisoners across Bretheda and its many moons. Entire Carrier-class ships are devoted to its use, which patrol the star system around its prisons, and process new inmates arriving from outside the local jurisdiction. Recently, several civil rights groups have spoken out about the BBP's use of death moons as prisons, such as Varos and Thyst, and are pushing for inquiries by the Stewards.


The Bureau as a whole is managed directly by Confluence, but each major region is overseen by a Captain, which is additionally a Confluence Agent. Individual prison compounds are managed by a Warden, who answer directly to their Captain, and are typically senior Barathu.


While the Barathu themselves are seen as fairly liberal, they respond harshly to criminal activity, and thus the Bureau of Prisons is considered honorable organization that serves out justice. This nationalism spreads even to the lowest guard, creating a strict social divide between the staff and its prisoners.

Public Agenda

The Bureau promises that criminals will be punished to the full extent of the law, which usually translates into the length of time served. Life sentences are common, especially for androids and other long-lived races.


The Bureau is in control of over a hundred starships, at least three of which are Carrier-class. They claim to have over four thousand staff members, although it is unclear if this includes their diverse line of experimental robot guards.

Eternal Justice


  • Varos
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members


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