Chop Suey!

On this night, the dream comes slowly, building up from the dark -- and then explodes into a mess of light and color, as we follow the diminutive red form of Wonton. The Tanuki is sprinting down a thin corridor, likely the inside of a wall, hopping over wires and metal plumbing as he encounters them. He looks back every other second, his pupils dilated with fear, his chest heaving as he runs faster and farther than he ever has before.

A muscular, tanned fist punches through the wall, massive at this scale, missing Wonton’s body by a couple of centimeters. The Tanuki squeals, huffing deeper, small whimpers escaping his lips as he leaps over another pipe, and turns right as the corridor curves. We hear a muffled, masculine curse, and then the popping of silenced gunfire, as bullets tear through the thin sheet metal, clipping wires and narrowly missing Wonton’s ear. Wonton dives, realizing only at the last moment that a chasm is ahead of him -- and drops an entire story into the next level of the Idari.

We hear muffled shouts from above and below, as innocent citizens come to inspect the sounds, and Dominic’s smooth baritone as he talks them down. Driven by fear, Wonton presses on, squishing through tight spaces and leaping over hot pipes, until he dips through a small service panel, and screeches to a halt. Before the camera can fully catch up, we see a flashing shadow, and Wonton disappears.

Panning up, a purring, striped cat holds Wonton in his teeth, and gives the camera a deliberate, sinister wink. Wonton thrashes for a moment, and then faints with fear, as the cat begins to disappear into various parts, its head spinning nearly 180 degrees before it vanishes in a swirl of blue and purple mist. And then the dream fades.


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